Thanks for opting in for the Free Online Healing Spectrums Coherence Activation Sessions. This signup will allow you to participate in any weekly scheduled 15 minute Coherence Activation Session that takes place on Wednesdays either at 9:00 AM or 5:00 PM US Central.
After completing this sign up form you will receive an email with a link to my website page that has the weekly session(s) schedule.
You can then select the session(s) you wish to attend. We look forward to having you with us for some of the sessions, as your schedule allows.
Also, be sure to visit the pre-launch page (here) for my upcoming book - That Time I Died: An Extraordinary Journey Beyond the Veil of Life and Death
(On Amazon for pre-order but release on January 1, 2025)
We value your privacy and never share your information.