A summary of results from a survey recently conducted with the Livewire community
Who took part in the survey?

Of 138 survey participants, Retail and SMSF accounted for 57%. Traders accounted for 15%, Economists/Strategists 11%, Brokers and Advisors 11% and Fund Managers 6%
What age were survey participants?
There was an even mix of age groups that took part. The highest component were those aged 55-64 while those 45-54 the smallest. No one component made up any more than 21.7% of responses.
Will the RBA move interest rates in 2015?
80.4% of all respondents indicated they believe the RBA will move rates in 2015. Only 13.8% suggested that they won’t, 5.8% didn’t know.
If the RBA do move rates, which direction will it be?
Of those who indicated that the RBA will move rates next year the overwhelming majority suggest it will be lower (86.5%). 8.1% believe the RBA will tighten policy, 5.4% expressed no opinion.

Which direction will the cash rate next move?
Regardless of timeframe, 76.1% of respondents believe the next move in interest rates will be lower. 15.2% believe the next move will be higher, 8.7% expressed no opinion.
Will the RBA move interest rates in 2015 by investor type?
All investor types overwhelmingly see the RBA moving the cash rate in 2015. Over 90% of fund managers, traders and economist/strategists believe this will be the case. At 70.8%, retail investors had the lowest proportion of all investor types.
Will the RBA lower rates in 2015 by investor type?
Of those investor types who indicated that rates will move next year the majority believe it will be lower. Every fund manager and stockbroker who see rates moving believe it will be lower. In what is a slightly surprising outcome given recent RBA polls, of the 93.3% of all economists/strategists who believe rates will move, 92.9% believe it will be lower.
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