Graduate students interested in learning more about data management issues and best practices are invited to participate in a Data Management Bootcamp sponsored by seven Virginian institutions. The workshop will be held on Grounds from January 7-9, 2015 and is free and open to graduate students in any discipline or academic program.
This collaborative event will feature experts from across the state and provide opportunities for local, hands-on practical experience. A detailed agenda can be found on our webpage. Refreshments will be provided, as well as lunch on Thursday. Space is limited to 45 seats, so interested students must register to attend. Register here!
The University of Virginia's portion of the Data Management Bootcamp is sponsored by the University Library's Research Data Services and the Vice President for Research's Graduate Studies Office. The Data Management Bootcamp is a collaborative initiative of James Madison University, George Mason University, Old Dominion University, University of Virginia, Virginia Commonwealth University, Virginia Tech, and William and Mary.
Data Visualization Course
Research Data Services is pleased to partner with the Batten School of Leadership and Public Policy to co-sponsor a Data Visualization short course for graduate students. Taught by Eric Field, from the School of Architecture, the 1-credit course (PPOL 6500-010) meets Fridays from 9:00-11:30 for five weeks, 2/20-3/27.
"The class is about using visual and spatial thinking to construct information—to find, indeed invent, approaches toward seeing, envisioning, and understanding—to make better informed decisions about the problems of our world. To do this we will study—and make—useful, compelling and beautiful information visualizations.
We will study language, graphics, and visual communication as dialects of 'information space', while we learn and experiment with interactive web-based graphical information tools as a vehicle to construct, use, and analyze complex information well. Students will work through and collaboratively review a new visualization assignment each week, leading to a final visualization project using data from natural, scientific, economic, cultural, or human-beahvioral problems."
To register, contact Paul Martin (pmartin@virginia.edu) with your name, department, degree program (MA/MS, PhD, etc.), and year of study.

Researchers now have access to this resource! ReferenceUSA is a database that contains directory information on more than 24 million businesses in the United States. It can be used to create lists of establishments, such as department stores or Starbucks in Charlottesville. Users can search and refine results based on company name, industry (NAICS or SIC), location, and a variety of business characteristics. Each record includes the company name, address, and phone number as well as information on number of employees, annual sales, facility size, and more.
Once a list has been created, users can tabulate the number of establishment by location (e.g. state, county, zip code, area code), industry, sales volume, or employee size. Users can also create pie charts, bar graphs, and heat maps. Records can be downloaded in a variety of file formats for use with statistical or GIS software.