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Season's Greetings!

Welcome Home Children wishes you and your family a Wonderful Christmas & a Prosperous New Year!


We thank each and every one of you for your generous support this year. It has been a great year for WHCC and our children.

We thank God for His Goodness.

Thank you to everyone for your kindness and generosity in regards to our 2014 Annual Christmas Dinner held on Saturday November 22, 2014 . The theme this year was “Buy a Block”.  It was a very successful event! You have made it possible to reach our goal to purchase the blocks needed to build the house.

Thanks to all those who came out and donated toward the cause.

Thanks to all the volunteers who made the event such a success by selflessly donating your time and talents - Remember, there is no WHCC without you!


This year we have a new addition to our family. His name is Jacky. He is 2 years old and that makes him the youngest in our home. Jacky suffered from severe malnutrition when he first came to us. He was also very sick with an unusual cough when he first arrived and so he was not immediately admitted for fear of possibly infecting our other children in their close quarters. We sent him to a doctor and after a series of tests he was diagnosed with severe malnutrition and a cold. Jacky was admitted into the home a week later. He has been placed on high protein diets and vitamins.

Jacky has been with us for a month and half now and seems to be doing well. Please continue to keep Jacky and all our children in your prayers.


Our “Buy a Block” campaign has been a big success! To date we have raised the funds estimated to build the house to move our children (into) from the rental housing they currently occupy. We are hoping to cover the cost to convert the funds to US dollars with any other monies that the campaign will generate.
The first leg in the construction project begins with a week long visit to our property by Engineering Ministries International (EMI), a Christian Canadian Calgary-based NGO that will be meeting with us in Haiti this coming February. During this visit, the team of 10 people will survey the property – the layout, topography and geology and come up with a functional site plan that will maximize land use. They will design the various buildings, playground, and sewage system for the site - all based on earthquake and hurricane resistant engineering protocol. At the end of the trip, EMI will present WHCC with a preliminary set of drawings which, when approved by us, will be taken back to Canada where they will further work on the drawings after which a working set of drawings will be issued to WHCC for submission to the Haitian officials for a building permit.
We plan to start building as soon as the permit is secured.
We are very excited at the prospect of having our own place and creating a space for the children to run around and play in. This is going to be the first stage of developing the whole property and eventually taking in more children.
Thanks again for making this dream a reality!
May God Bless You All!

Welcome Home Children Centre Inc.
A Brighter Future For Haiti's Orphans

Copyright © 2014 Welcome Home Children Centre Inc., All rights reserved.

Our mailing address is:
Welcome Home Children’s Centre Inc.
34 McCullough Crescent
Georgetown, ON. L7G 5N5

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