A letter from Dave...Dory T Wellington Finds a Home... Pushcart things... Southeast Asia photos... Saigon Vespa rides
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Dear Friend,

When you get this, I will be on a plane to San Francisco. I've been traveling a lot lately, and as you may know, I've never been a huge fan of the traveling. 

Though: this is something I usually say, and I'm not really sure I mean it. Because if I'm being honest, I think I like traveling once I'm doing it. But I'm reluctant to travel before doing it. And I feel the need to tie up every loose end that has ever been tied up in the history of loose ends. And I find new loose ends specifically to do the tying up of them.

If I wasn't married to C I would probably never travel. Again, not for want of doing it, I think. But just out of a overbearing inertia. And dogs. But she is usually my catalyst. She hates stasis. And so lately, I've become the most well-traveled reluctant traveler. And I've wound up going to Southeast Asia for two weeks, which is honestly someplace I never thought I would go. There's more on that below. 

I always told myself I would send these letters on a somewhat regular schedule, but at the same time I wouldn't be bound to them. So I've let them ride for the doing of travel and for the having of Thanksgiving. But I like sending them. And I've missed it. And this week I realized: By God, I need another loose end to tie up. And so here we are...

Let's get on with this thing...

I'm glad you're here.

  1. In Writing... Dory T. Wellington and the Fire Orange Blue Jellyfish Kite finds a home. And a Pushcart nomination!
  2. In Photos... I'm the most well-traveled non-traveler...
  3. Listening... OCMS on KEXP... 
  4. Watching... Vespa Ride in Saigon


1) An Oldie. "Dory T. Wellington and the Fire Orange Blue Jellyfish Kite" is a piece I wrote a while back for a Flash Fiction contest over at Writer Unboxed. I happy that it finally found a home at Hermeneutic Chaos. You can read it here or by clicking on the issue cover below. You can also listen to me reading it here.

2) Pushcart Nomination. Also, I'm absolutely thrilled that my piece, "A Trick of the Senses" was nominated by The Austin Review for a Pushcart Prize! The news made a delicious side-dish for my Thanksgiving. Thank you Michael Barrett and the rest of the The Austin Review staff, especially nonfiction editor Tatiana Ryckman and fellow animal-lovers Wendy M. Walker and Shannon Perri. Also, big congratulations to all the other awesome writers who were nominated. It feels great to be in such good company.

While we were in Southeast Asia, I took over 3,000 photos. I managed to edit the lot of them down to about 500 that basically tell the story. And I will probably whittle it down even more than that. I've been uploading them in batches to Flickr loosely organized by theme.

So far, I've put up the following albums:
1) One Day in Saigon
2) The Boat
3) The Villages: Vietnam

Also, there of course were hydrants...

... and there were lessons in traffic ...

... lots of boat photos ...

... and some village stuff ...

... the dogs were quickly bored with my talk of Southeast Asia and they were more interested in making leaf thrones...

... and talking about our orange weakness ....

... or the new tour bus ...

... we are short of sound. we are long of ear ...

... there were force disturbances on Thanksgiving and we were still thankful ...

... and lessons in inhalation posturing ...

... we have peed in so many magic places ... 

... but we know that we are all quick ghosts, putting breathes on the things that have fallen ...

Go to Photo Journal


I'm on an Old Crow Medicine Show kick again. When C gets home from work she can hear it playing from the garage. She says it's kind of surreal to walk into the house with their music blasting in the house. Like she's officially left her work world and entered Dave-house world. Anyway, here's a performance you shouldn't miss. 

Old Crow Medicine Show Live at KEXP (September, 2014)


The first night of our two-week East Asia trip was spent in Saigon. And, for me, the story of Saigon is a story about driving. And traffic. The traffic flow is like nothing westerners have ever seen. It's kind of amazing. I think I could have just stood on the corner and watched it all day, except for the noxious fumes. 

I feel like the best way to get the feel for traffic in Saigon would be through video, not through photos. So I made a video of scenes from the Vespa tour while riding on the back of one of them. You can watch that here:

Saigon Vespa Tour


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THANK YOU!! For being here. For letting me ramble to you. 

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