Let's give Koigu for the Holidays!
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Koigu Journal December 2014

Let's Make Some Quick Colorful Holiday Gifts!

We know that a lot of knitters want to give hand-knit gifts at this time of year.
But for some of us, it can be a race to the finish to get everything done in time.
So now's a good time for us to share a couple of fast, easy, fun (and colorful, of
course!) projects you can finish in plenty of time.
We've made a hat and scarf that can coordinate or work separately.
They're worked in Koigu Bulky in one semi-solid and one variegated in garter stitch
for ease and simplicity.
The scarf is knitted width-wise and then one stitch at either end is dropped down to
the cast-on edge. Finally, you use a crochet hook and the other color to chain up the
dropped bars.
The hat is made up of a sideways band knitted in garter stitch to stretch around the
head. You work the same dropped stitch technique afterwards to make chains around 
the band. Then stitches are picked up to work the top of the hat.
The hat is seamed up the back with slip stitches.
Sometimes it's the smart and fun thing to do to make simple presents that can be used
or worn in the same season you start them!
Below you'll find a few photos to show how to make the chain decoration.
Upper Left: the dropped stitch bars. Upper Right: insert hook through next bar.
Lower Left: wrap working yarn from the left. Lower Right: wrap yarn from right.

Finished Size 60"/ 152 cm X 5.5"/12.5 cm
Materials Koigu Bulky B52 (MC) 2 skeins; B21 (CC) 1 skein
US11/ 8mm needles
USK10.5/ 7mm hook
Gauge 14st = 4"
Using crochet cast on, ( 1S54hbPY) cast on 18sts
with MC. This cast on is called "bind-off cast on" because it resembles a bound-off
edge, which makes it perfect for scarves.
Work in garter st (K every row) until you have just enough to bind off. BO 2sts.
*Drop the next st and let it ladder down a few rows; grab the first bar at the top
between the sts, twist it and put it on the left needle. Knit it, then BO. Continue
BO sts until 3sts remain. Rep from *.
Let the two dropped sts ladder down to the cast-on edge. You may need to help
them along (you'll begin to see that accidental dropped sts are not as scary as
you thought!). This ladder will form the base for the decorative chain.
Each side of the scarf will have its own ladder. With crochet hook and CC, chain
up the laddered sts as they present themselves.
Leaving a tail long enough for finishing, with yarn to the left of the hook, insert hook
beneath first bar. Draw up a loop with CC and pull through. Move yarn to the right 
of hook, insert hook beneath next bar and draw up a loop through both threads.
Continue up the ladder, alternating the yarn from each side of hook.
(See photos)
Rep the chain on each side of the scarf for both dropped sts.

Finished Size 19"/47 cm circumference X 7.5"/19 cm
Materials Koigu Bulky B21 (MC), B52 (CC) 1 skein ea
US11/ 8mm needled
US10.5/7mm crochet hook
Gauge 14sts= 4"
Band: Cast on 18sts. Work in garter st (K every row) until band measures 19"/ 47
cm from cast on. BO 5sts, drop next st as for scarf, BO 6sts, drop next st, BO rem
With CC, work crochet chain as for scarf through each laddered st.
Crown: Pick up and K 1st for every 2 rows along one side of Band. K 2 rows.
Next row: *Sl1, K1, PSSO. Rep from *.
K 2 rows. Rep dec row. K 1 row. Rep Dec row. Work dec row once more. Break
off yarn, leaving long tail for seaming and pass tail through rem sts, pulling them
With tapestry needle, sew up back seam or use hook to slip st back seam.
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