Structurae Newsletter - 12/2014
Newsletter for Structurae, the database for the civil engineer!

Dear <<First Name>> <<Last Name>>,

With the coming of the New Year many cultures celebrate various feasts that often have a religious background. Through their places and houses of worship religions have been influencing the architecture and culture of building in the locations and countries where they are being practiced for thousands of years. Sacred architecture is still being built around the world as a sign and celebration of the faith which they are meant to represent. More than 6000 houses of worship from five thousand years of construction history around the world can be found in Structurae. I would like to present you with a small cross section of these often highly important structures.

Happy Holidays!
Nicolas Janberg
Chief Editor of Structurae

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Sacred Architecture

Structurae contains houses of worship of many different religions including but not limited to churches, cathedrals and monasteries, mausoleums, mosques, pagodas, stupas, synagogues, temples and ziggurats. Here's a selection from the oldest structures in the database to more modern architecture:

Stonehenge (Photo: Diego Delso / Wikimedia Commons, CC-BY-SA 3.0)
Pyramid of Chefren at Giza, Egypt (Photo: Nicolas Janberg)
Parthenon, Athens (Photo: Wladyslaw Sojka / CC-BY-SA 3.0)
Cupola of the Pantheon in Rome (Photo: Manfred Weghuber)
Ziggurat of Ur, Iraq (photo: Hardnfast / CC-BY-SA)
Temple of Light, Santiago de Chile (photo: Hariri Pontarini Architects)

Recently completed

Baha'i Temple in Santiago de Chile

The shape of this "Temple of Light" is inspired - like the Baha'i Temple in New Delhi by the lotus flower. It is the eighth Baha'i House of Worship built across the world. More...
Basilique Saint-Sernin, Toulouse (photo: Jacques Mossot)
Hagia Sophia, Istanbul (photo: Matthias Süßen / CC-BY-SA 3.0)
Saint Ouen Abbey, Rouen (photo: Nicolas Janberg)
Saint Basil's Cathedral, Moscow (photo: Heiko Dassow)
Saint Peter's Basilica, Rome (photo: Guillaume Potignon)
Great Mosque in Algiers (Photo: (c) KSP Jürgen Engel Architekten)

Currently under construction

New Great Mosque in Algiers

Featuring the tallest minaret in the world at 265 meters the new complex in Algiers will include the third-largest mosque as well as an educational facility, a library, dormitories for the students and many other amenities.


Dome of the Rock, Jerusalem (photo: Andrew Shiva / CC-BY-SA)
Taj Mahal, Agra (photo: Yann & Jim Cartar / CC-BY-SA)
Parroquia de Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe, Madrid (photo: Nicolas Janberg)
Lotus Temple, New Delhi (photo: Jeremy Vandal, CC-BY-SA)
Cathedral of Saint Mary of the Assumption, San Francisco (photo: Nicolas Janberg)
New Synagogue, Berlin (photo: Nicolas Janberg)

Company of the month

ArcelorMittal Construction Deutschland GmbH

ArcelorMittal Construction supplies a market-oriented assortment of thin-walled design elements for roofing, cladding and floors that are made of steel. Thanks to our highly developed production technology and some long-term experiences in handling, processing and surface refinement we are able to offer sophisticated steel-made solutions to constructors, planners and builders.

Check out ArcelorMittal's profile on Structurae...

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