Newsletter June 2014
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The Ordoñez Family
working with
Puerta de Esperanza
Please consider supporting us monthly or one time by giving to account #92413.

You can go to MTW's dontations site  or mail checks to 
Mission to the World
P.O. Box 116284
Atlanta, GA 30368-6284

Merry Christmas:

From our PDE family, we want to wish you a FELIZ NAVIDAD and joyful celebration of Christ's birth.  As we remember this Christmas that Christ came as a baby, we also remember the reason that He came.  I have shared with the girls the words to this song by Shane and Shane... "Born to Die"

When the babe was born
In a manger on the hay
God saw the veil torn
He saw good Friday
He was born to die

We came here today
To celebrate His birth
But let us not forget
Why Jesus came to earth
He was born to die

What good news for us!  Jesus did not stay a helpless baby, but lived a sinless life and paid the price for our sin so that we can know and walk with God and one day live forever with Him.  That gives us so much reason to celebrate!
House Moms:
Oneyda and Aurora are our two house moms and have been with us since the beginning.  In August we went through a training session with them centered on the Gospel and how knowing God's immense love and forgiveness enables us to love and serve the girls who come through the home.  These two women are amazing.  I grow increasingly grateful for them and for their daily ministry to each girl and child who passes through the doors of PDE.  They grow to love them as part of their own family, follow up with them when they leave, and long for them to know and love Jesus.  During this time that I have been on and off bed rest, they have been the biggest blessing of consistency in the home and continually pointing the girls back to the Lord.
In November we got to celebrate Alexis turning 3!  His mom had saved up some of her extra allowance to be able to have a birthday for him at her mom's house with her family neighbors.  It was a sweet time for us to be able to get to know them a little bit and understand better where she comes from and how life was for them.  This day also led to some of the best conversations that Claudia and I have gotten to have about Jesus and grace and forgiveness.  She is really growing and learning more about the Lord and it is a privilege to be able to watch that happen firsthand.

We also celebrated with Kenia as she turned 18 in November.  She has been living temporarily with our family helping out around the house while I am on pregnancy restrictions.  So we were able to have a small family gathering for her and I know that she felt so loved.  She has really gotten to witness being part of a family and you can see that it has impacted how she interacts with her own son.  She is young and still has a lot of growing up to do, but I see glimpses of how God is growing her.  This past week she moved out to take a new job as household help for a new family where she will also be able to continue studying.  I'm excited for this new opportunity for her and just keep praying that she will seek the Lord first and foremost and that Jesus will capture her heart.
PDE graduation:
January is going to be a big month for Carolina as she is officially "graduating" from PDE and moving out on her own.  She is still going to university and working part-time, she is involved in the local church, growing in her faith, and being mom to sweet three year old William.  Its hard to believe he is 3!  They moved in when he was only 5 months old.  She is nervous about the transition, but excited as well and we are excited to support her and help her as she goes out.  If you are interested in helping her set up her apartment, you can read about ways to help on my blog.  
CHANGES!  We are still waiting on the government to make the needed changes in the social services system and we remain unable to bring new girls to the home.  Please pray for a quick resolution.  In the meantime we are praying about other opportunities for Bible studies, weekly lunches, etc. to take continue to minister to young single moms, even those who do not live in the home.  God continues to bring these girls into our lives and we continue to have relationships with those who have left PDE, so we want to use this opportunities to make the Gospel known and continue to point these girls to Christ.

We are so thankful for your dedication and support to pray for us and give financially.  We could not do this without you.  We got $300 of new monthly sponsors since the last newsletter!  But, we still need monthly supporters, if you are interested or know anyone who is, please let me know.  To give please go online to and give to account #92413. 

Prayer Requests:

1. Pray for Shannon and the twins, for a healthy pregnancy and good adjustment for the whole family
2. Pray for Carolina as she prepares to move out in January
3. Pray for Claudia as she begins to really walk with the Lord, that she would seek Him first and learn more from His Word every day
4. Pray for new monthly donors
5. Pray for Glenis, Yajaira, Kenia, Beti, Maryuri, and Vilma as we continue to have relationships with them even though they are no longer in the home.  Pray that they will grow in their knowledge of and desire for the Lord.  
5. Pray for a swift transition for the government