eNews - December 2014
In This Issue:
Ontario Contact 2015 Draw
Attended Ontario Contact 2014? We are looking for your feedback to help us understand the value that Ontario Contact provides to you in your planning, programming, or business. Tell us what you think and enter into the draw for a free registration to Ontario Contact 2015! Read more

Contract Negotiations
Earlier this month, 46 arts professionals from across the country gathered online for a free webinar on Contract Negotiations. Presented as part of 2014-15 webinar series for arts presenters, the webinar recording is now available as an online resource.
Writing for Success
The next webinar in our Webinars Series for Arts Presenters will take place on Wednesday, January 28th, 2015. The objective of this webinar is to provide an approach to grant writing that will increase your opportunity for a successful outcome. RSVP now!
3 "R"s of Volunteer Engagement
We are excited to announce a 3-part webinar series on Volunteer Engagement: Recruitment, Retention and Recognition. The series will take place in February, but to help us tailor our training directly to your needs, we invite you to complete the online survey about these topics in advance of the session. Learn more
Industry News
CAPACOA has negotiated an agreement in principle with Re:Sound. The agreement includes a series of Settlement Tariffs, to be filed with the Copyright Board for certification. Among these are a revised, more flexible, Tariff 5.A for music accompanying live entertainment, as well as a simplified and standardized Tariff 5.D for festivals, exhibitions and fairs. Read more
The deadline for the Ontario Premier's Awards for the Arts has been extended to January 30. Find out more, here
Hill Strategies recently published a number of statistical insights on the Artists and Cultural workers in Canada, by province and municipality. Read more
Noora Sagarwala appointed OAC's new Touring and Audience Development Officer. Noora’s appointment follows Aengus Finnan’s departure in late May. She will start her new position on January 5, 2015. Read more
Vital Arts and Public Value, the Ontario Arts Council’s strategic plan for 2014-2020, is now available on the OAC website.
Welcome New Members!
Take advantage of our introductory rate for new members and a special renewable rate for volunteer-run presenting organizations: $25 (plus $5 for each associate member). Join the network!