September 2014
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News and Updates from Greater Opportunities

Empowering persons with developmental disabilities to achieve greater self-sufficiency and lead richer lives.

Executive Director's Update

"On the Fast Track at Greater Opportunities…"

We are pleased to announce that the new location for our Adult Development and Activity Center is now open for business. The custom-tailored and beautifully renovated facility at 687 North King Road in San Jose is twice the size of our previous location and provides lots of new amenities including an art studio, computer lab, music room, kitchen, crafts room, respite room and more. In addition to the skill-building opportunities available on site, the program offers daily community outings and volunteer work as well as paid work opportunities.

Program relocation took over 18 months of concerted effort to complete. We looked high and low throughout Santa Clara County to find space that could meet our needs. High (Silicon Valley!) rent costs, restrictive zoning codes, demanding licensing standards, accessibility concerns and other requirements presented major challenges in our search for appropriate space.  In the end, we identified a centrally-located building well-served by public transit (and, a new BART station is under construction only a block away!) Greater Opportunities invested considerable time and funds to make this program the kind of place you would enjoy and want your family member to attend. Now open for business after 8 months of renovations, the facility is a big hit with participants, families and staff alike.
The week following the opening of our new site, we held our annual Summer Camp at Del Valle Regional Park. A grand time was had by participants and staff who enjoyed tent camping, meal preparation, hiking, boating, swimming, fishing, dancing, stargazing and storytelling around the campfire.
Like what we do? Help support services for people with developmental disabilities at Greater Opportunities. Come volunteer with us, and donate generously at 

Thank you,

Craig King,
Executive Director
Greater Opportunities

Annual Summer Barbecue

The annual summer barbecue was a big hit with consumers and staff. Enjoying a day with perfect weather, more than a hundred members of the Greater Opportunities family joined in the festivities at Central Park in Santa Clara. Besides noshing on burgers and hot dogs, the good times included music, dancing, singing, squirt guns, a three-legged race, musical chairs, and general tomfoolery!

Check out our picture here!

Meet Our Team


Filomena Goncalvez
Day Services Program

Filomena brings many unique and varied qualities to Greater Opportunities where she has worked since 2007. Born in Angola, Filomena speaks Portugese, Spanish and English. She recollects how her family needed to keep a fire burning to discourage lions, tigers, leopards and hyenas from approaching the homestead. 

You can read more about Filomena here!

Giving and Receiving – a Food Program Partnership with Cathedral of Faith 

Community is important to us at Greater Opportunities, and giving back to our community through volunteer work is a regular part of our Day Program. When one of our staff members suggested that we start volunteering with his local church, we thought it would be a great new opportunity to explore. Little did we know how mutually beneficial that decision would be!


Greater Opportunities Partners


Cathedral of Faith

The Cathedral of Faith offers dynamic church services, exciting community outreach projects, and site campuses across the Bay Area and internationally. They’re passionate in their desire to welcome new members into their church family. They pride themselves on being a church where everyone is welcome, no one is perfect, anything is possible, and the love is lived out. 

Visit their website!
Join our family at Greater Opportunities. Help us make a difference in the lives of people we serve. Looking for something fun, interesting and rewarding to do? Contact us about volunteer opportunities (we especially need folks who can help teach art, computer skills, photography, crafts, music, cooking.) Want to have a major impact with your generosity? Your financial support will help people with disabilities participate as fully-included members of the community with dignity and independence. Visit our website to donate today to Greater Opportunities.
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