
RF Microwave Measurements

Newsletter - August 2014

Well, it was about time for the Newsletter on RF Microwave Measurements. I'm reaching out to you RF folks, in order to spread valuable knowledge on the topic of RF Microwave Measurements.

Have a look at the menu of this month's RF Newsletter!
Here are some exciting news and offers for you. Check out my latest offers on online training sessions and RF tutorials available on my blog. Whether you are looking for entry tutorials or customized training on RF Measurements, it's all there for you!

I know the situation, have been there myself. You are new to this topic of RF Measurements and want to get your feet wet?
Academic textbooks or app notes are not good enough for you? Check-out my online tutorials on YouTube and subscribe to my channel. Stay tuned at my blog for more news and updates!
I would like to share this with you guys... This year's EuMW Conference will take place in Rome Oct. 5-10 2014. I'm presenting a paper in Session EuMiC-01 entitled "Integrated RF transformer and power combiner design in 150nm CMOS".
Looking forward to seeing you in Rome !
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