Welcome to UNESCO's first issue of the Education for Sustainable Development Newsletter - the Zoom.
Each month, the Zoom will bring you news stories on exciting ESD initiatives from around the world. And until November, you’ll also find updates on the forthcoming UNESCO World Conference on ESD taking place from 10-12 November 2014 in Aichi-Nagoya, Japan. Your input, feedback, comments and suggestions for content are most welcome and you are encouraged to share the Zoom with colleagues and the ESD community at large.
Soo-Hyang Choi, Director, Division for Teaching, Learning and Content, UNESCO Headquarters, Paris
The global perspective
Businesses agree: ESD is important for post-2015
According to a new UN briefing paper, businesses call for sustainable development to be included in curricula post-2015. Education is one of the areas where businesses are ideally placed to make a difference. More >>
UNESCO World Conference on ESD
Commit now to the Global Action Programme on ESD
UNESCO will launch the Global Action Programme on ESD (the GAP) at the World Conference, which is being organized in Japan this November. You can make a commitment to the Global Action Programme to register your action.
The World Conference will also celebrate the many achievements of the UN Decade of Education for Sustainable Development with a focus on the lessons learned.
The Programme has been developed under the UNESCO Chair at the International Institute of Industrial Environmental Economics at Lund University, in support of the UN Decade of ESD.
UNESCO in action
Samsung and UNESCO ESD initiative to create 'bioliterate' citizens in Viet Nam
In a bold ESD initiative that demonstrates the value of the business sector working hand-in-hand with UNESCO, governments and local communities, Samsung the Korean electronics giant and the Vietnamese government are supporting schools to build a safer and more resilient environment. More >>
Leaders for change
In 2004, the provincial Government of Manitoba in Canada made Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) a top priority. ESD is now part of the Ministry of Education’s mission statement to provide young people with “engaging and high quality education that prepares them for lifelong learning and participation in a socially just, democratic and sustainable society.” More >>
Welcome to UNESCO's first issue of the Education for Sustainable Development Newsletter - the Zoom.
Each month, the Zoom will bring you news stories on exciting ESD initiatives from around the world. And until November, you’ll also find updates on the forthcoming UNESCO World Conference on ESD taking place from 10-12 November 2014 in Aichi-Nagoya, Japan. Your input, feedback, comments and suggestions for content are most welcome and you are encouraged to share the Zoom with colleagues and the ESD community at large.
Soo-Hyang Choi, Director, Division for Teaching, Learning and Content, UNESCO Headquarters, Paris
The global perspective
Businesses agree: ESD is important for post-2015
According to a new UN briefing paper, businesses call for sustainable development to be included in curricula post-2015. Education is one of the areas where businesses are ideally placed to make a difference. More >>
UNESCO World Conference on ESD
Commit now to the Global Action Programme on ESD
UNESCO will launch the Global Action Programme on ESD (the GAP) at the World Conference, which is being organized in Japan this November. You can make a commitment to the Global Action Programme to register your action.
The World Conference will also celebrate the many achievements of the UN Decade of Education for Sustainable Development with a focus on the lessons learned.
The Programme has been developed under the UNESCO Chair at the International Institute of Industrial Environmental Economics at Lund University, in support of the UN Decade of ESD.
UNESCO in action
Samsung and UNESCO ESD initiative to create 'bioliterate' citizens in Viet Nam
In a bold ESD initiative that demonstrates the value of the business sector working hand-in-hand with UNESCO, governments and local communities, Samsung the Korean electronics giant and the Vietnamese government are supporting schools to build a safer and more resilient environment. More >>
Leaders for change
In 2004, the provincial Government of Manitoba in Canada made Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) a top priority. ESD is now part of the Ministry of Education’s mission statement to provide young people with “engaging and high quality education that prepares them for lifelong learning and participation in a socially just, democratic and sustainable society.” More >>
And finally …
Find out more about climate change education with this short infographic film.
Are you in higher education? Click above to check your knowledge about sustainability!
And finally …
Find out more about climate change education with this short infographic film.
Are you in higher education? Click above to check your knowledge about sustainability!