Register for an upcoming fall StatLab workshop or learn about Euromonitor Passport, an online resource with international marketing data. 
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August 2014

StatLab Fall Workshops

This fall StatLab is offering over a dozen free workshops and we're giving our newsletter subscribers first shot at registration!

In September we kick off with hands-on introductions to R, Stata, SPSS, and NVivo. In October we offer Linear Modeling in R, Writing Articles in LaTex, and Matching Methods for Causal Inference. In November we wrap it up before Thanksgiving break with Resampling Methods, Creating Presentations in LaTex, Intro to Structural Equation Models, and Getting Started with R Graphics.

Take a look at our workshop schedule to learn more. Don't forget to register if you see one (or more) you like. Did we mention they're free?

U.Va faculty, staff, and students now have access to Euromonitor Passport. This online database contains data and reports on more than 350 consumer product markets, including market size and market share. It also includes data on consumer trends and lifestyles, income and expenditures, and population for many countries.
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