The latest news, articles and code focused on Sencha and related web technologies.

Sencha Insights

Issue #37

August 6, 2014

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Ext JS 5 Tablet Support

This blog post talks about Ext JS 5's tablet support and how this support is included and what it means for your code.

Getting Started with GWT Super Dev Mode | Blog | Sencha

Brandon Donnelson and Colin Alworth talk about Super Dev Mode as an alternative to the deprecated classic Dev Mode in GWT.



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Basic Inheritance with JavaScript Constructors

A short blog post about creating basic inheritance structures with JavaScript constructors.

Diving Deeper With ES6 Generators

Kyle Simpson takes us further into the world of ES6 generators and how they can be used.


Techniques for mobile and responsive cross-browser testing: An Envato case study.

Testing across browsers and devices is a mammoth task. This case study shows some of the tools and techniques that Envato have used when testing their sites.

Towards PhantomJS 2

PhantomJS is in the process of receiving a major facelift, introducing a number of new features.

How does Hangouts use WebRTC? a chrome://webrtc-internals analysis (Philipp Hancke) | webrtcHacks

An interesting analysis into how Google Hangouts uses WebRTC by reverse engineering it using Chrome's webrtc-internals area.

WebGL in Web Workers, Today – and Faster than Expected!

This article talks about how WebGL can be used with Web Workers to increase the speed of your graphics.


Ten CSS One-Liners to Replace Native Apps

A rundown of 10 CSS rules that can help make content more readable and usable on all screen sizes.

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