
August 8, 2014

The Greatest Comeback

Whatever challenges you may currently face are a blessing.  It may not seem like it right now, but your benefit is on the horizon.  Sometimes you have to take a few steps back in order to leap victoriously forward.

Do not let the opinions of others occupy your time.  Everybody has an opinion, so what.  This if your life, not his, not hers…just yours.   There is nobody more qualified to make decisions in your life than you and nobody knows better what you need. 

There is no room and no time for shame. There is no place and no space for blame.  Life gives you exactly what you need, at all times, without exception.  These growing pains will not last. This discomfort will not endure forever.  

You have been equipped with an infinite reserve of resilience. You were designed with an unlimited supply of strength and courage. Tap into your reservoir of faith and prepare for your greatest comeback!

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