Tidbits to take with you on this journey called life.
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September Newsletter


Howdy <<First Name>>,

My husband and I were recently preparing for a vacation in London when it occurred to me that I hadn’t considered how I was going to maintain my newfound healthy eating habits while away.
With all of the quintessential London foods like the fish and chips, potted shrimp and sticky toffee pudding at my fingertips, how would I stay on track?
Here are the strategies I came up with before departing:
Make healthier choices
Focus on keeping one aspect of a meal "clean" rather than all of it
Indulge within reason
Eat while seated
Have healthy snacks at my fingertips (in the hotel room, on my person)
Ask the concierge to print out menus in advance
Contact the hotel and request our minibar be emptied
Walk as much as possible

If I slip-up (because I anticipate a bit of this):

Remember, there's no need to beat myself up
Restart my day at any time
How do you stick to your healthy habits while away?
Connect the Dots Coaching asked five people what they do to take care of themselves while away. Check out the blog post outlining their combined 40 ways.

Feel free to post a comment on Connect the Dots Coaching's Facebook page or drop me an email at

Lauren Elkies Schram is a certified professional life and career coach with Connect the Dots Coaching. Lauren offers individual as well as custom group coaching to help people in transition achieve what they want in life. In addition, she specializes in life purpose coaching.

Connect the Dots Coaching plans to start a new Female Fear Fighters group soon. We are contemplating Wednesday nights.

Female Fear Fighters is a group for women looking to face their fears and move past them by tackling them head-on. In this group we bust through fears (from public speaking, to applying for a new job, to forming an intimate relationship) that hold you back from living a life you love. We meet regularly and participants commit to specific fear-fighting actions they will take before each meeting. 

"Connect the Dots Coaching's Female Fear Fighters group is really helping me look at the negative messages I tell myself and to start questioning and reframing them. It feels like I have a big, dark, tangled Christmas light ball of fear and negativity, and we're trying to separate the strands and straighten them out. The sessions are helpful and enlightening. I'm really glad I'm doing it. Thanks, Lauren!" 
-- Candice S., educator


Contact us to learn more, or check out our website at

Yours in Service,
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