Large Company Helped In A Big Way
We went to Charles Schwab headquarters and had a Packing Party. For months before this event each employee worked at finding creative ways to raise money to fund this event. They put on Bar-B-Q, sold "Selfy Pictures", Auctioned off a lunch, had a Pie Throw at your supervisor event, put out donation collection boxes, had a dress down day, Flip-Flop Day, and charged people to participate, some people hand-made sock monkeys, some contacted friends and relatives and corporate friends to donate. It ended up that Sweet Dream received most all the materials to pack 60 Sweet Dream Bags. We couldn't get them all done that afternoon --- but everyone had a great time creating these beautiful gifts for the children that have so little!!! What an outpouring of love and caring!!!!
We introduced "Sweet Dream In A Bag" to all the Kiwanis Clubs in the Capital District at their yearly District Convention held near Washington DC. We met so many wonderful people with such big hearts for children. Many clubs are considering a project using the Sweet Dream model. We are ready and willing to help get Sweet Dream projects started!!!
Aug. 29, Friday, starting at 5 pm
"Treasure Time Gifting Event”
Family Tree
3805 Marshall St, Wheatridge CO 80033 (Volunteers Needed)
Sept. 3, Wednesday, starting at 6 pm
"Treasure Time Gifting Event”
Access Housing
6978 Colorado Blvd., Commerce City, CO 80022 (Volunteers Needed)
Sept. 20, 2014 Saturday Morning
"Pack & Pray Event”
Bethany E-Free Church, 6240 S. Broadway, Littleton, CO 80121, Starts: 9am -12:30
A light lunch is served about 11:15—plan to stay! (Everyone Welcome!)
Sept. 22, Monday, starting at 6 pm
"Treasure Time Gifting Event”
Mt. Loretto Family House
3101 S. Federal Blvd, Denver, CO 80236 (Volunteers Needed)
Sept. 24, Wednesday, starting at 5 pm
"Treasure Time Gifting Event”
Family Tree
3805 Marshall St, Wheatridge CO 80033 (Volunteers Needed)
Oct. 4, Saturday, starting at 1 pm
"Treasure Time Gifting Event”
VOA Transitional Housing/Young Mothers
455 Bannock, Denver, CO (Volunteers Needed)
Oct. 18, 2014 Saturday Morning
"Pack & Pray Event”
Bethany E-Free Church, 6240 S. Broadway, Littleton, CO 80121, Starts: 9am -12:30
A light lunch is served about 11:15—plan to stay! (Everyone Welcome!)
Nov.15, 2014 Saturday Morning
"Pack & Pray Event”
Bethany E-Free Church, 6240 S. Broadway, Littleton, CO 80121, Starts: 9am -12:30
A light lunch is served about 11:15—plan to stay! (Everyone Welcome!)
NO “Pack & Pray Event” in December
Reminder: There will be Treasure Time added as agencies get the event dates set, so please check our website and look at the CALENDAR!!! If you can help with any Treasure Time Event please call Susie 303-507-2098 or email Susie@sweetdreaminabag.org
Check the Calendar on our Website: www.sweetdreaminabag.org
Speaking to groups
We enjoy opportunities to speak and share about Sweet Dream to any group, church, scout troop, business or organization. If you want to share the mission of helping children to your Rotary Club, Kiwanis Club, Optimist Club and other service minded organization-- just call Susie 303-507-2098
Speaking to groups
We enjoy opportunities to speak and share about Sweet Dream to any group, church, scout troop, business or organization. If you want to share the mission of helping children to your Rotary Club, Kiwanis Club, Optimist Club and other service minded organization-- just call Susie 303-507-2098
Need for Toothbrushes
We are in great need of Toothbrushes -- we have some toothpaste that will last a couple of months, but we are short on Toothbrushes. We could use brushes for all ages. The children get so excited to find that there is a new toothbrush and toothpaste packed in their Sweet Dream Bag. We have been known to have to stop reading the book and let the child go brush their teeth!!! We love to see that sort of excitement about a NEW toothbrush and toothpaste!!!! Contact your dentist -- we are a 501(c)(3) non-profit so everything they donate is tax deductible!
Do you have any Beanie Babies in a plastic box out in the garage or in your basement that you would like to donate to Sweet Dream? The children love getting a little toy to love! Just call Susie 303-507-2098
- Toothbrushes ages 2-16
- Twin Comforters
- Twin Sheet Sets
- Twin Size Fleece Blankets
- Beanie Baby (even entire collections would be wonderful!)
- Funds to purchase large order of Fleece Blankets