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 Start the Fun Now!

Don't miss out - register your troop by September 29 for the new Girl Scout year! Receive a FREE patch when you register on-time and as a special bonus, each troop will receive a party pack to celebrate their “On-Time” success! Troops must meet the council troop standards. Encourage your troop parents, grandparents, aunts and uncles to join the Girl Scout fun and invest in her future!

Adult Learning Opportunities 

  • Are you a new troop leader? Be sure to take New Member Orientation.
  • Looking for adventure? We have plenty of outdoor opportunities just for you.
  • Want to incorporate Journeys into your troop? Join us for Leadership Essentials and Journeys courses.
  • Want to take trainings in the comfort of your own home? We will be offering "New Member Orientation" and "Outdoor 101" as webinars this fall.
Find out more by going to our events page and choose "Learning Opportunities/Training" on the event type menu.

Are You in The Know?  

Find out all the details before it is TOO LATE! 
Kick-off your Girl Scout year with a day full of enriching opportunities to learn about the Girl Scout program. C.A.R.E. (Celebration & Recognition Event) will also be part of the day's activities.

Cooke County Troop 4657 had their bridging ceremony in Muenster. Way to go girls!

Here's handy dandy pdf of everything above.
(It's the same information all in one document for printing or uploading to yahoo groups etc!)

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