November 2014 CareConnect Update
Welcome to our overview of what is happening in the CareConnect programme
A total of 13,531 patients are now enrolled on Shared Care
We welcome the National Hauora Coalition to Shared Care.  Work is underway to to implement Shared Care at NHC in the Auckland region by the end of the year, starting with practices in the Counties Manukau ARI (At Risk Individuals) program.

ARI Program Update

ProCare, Alliance Health+ and East Health are continuing to rollout the ARI programme to their practices. There are currently a total of 925 patients enrolled in ARI, and a total of 2554 patients enrolled in the CMH localities.

Watch our Introductory Teaching Videos

Click on the links below to view short videos.  These teaching sessions were filmed at Auckland DHB and feature the Auckland Concerto clinical application, but most content is applicable for all users of Shared Care.
Shared Care Overview and Quick Admit (07.00 minutes)
Using Tasks in Shared Care (04.50  minutes)
Setting up a Care Team (03.27 minutes)
(Permanent links from our  New & Resources page also)


A proof of concept has been underway since 11 August 2014 across 8 practices throughout the Northern Region for an exciting new electronic tool that delivers (dynamic) Clinical Pathways integrated with your practice management system for enhanced Patient Care.
These pathways allow evidence-based best practice guidance, which is tailored for each individual patient, to be presented to the clinician in real time during a consultation. The pathways are based on the Northern Regional Clinical Pathways on Healthpoint and are agreed best practice evidence based information.
Feedback from the proof of concept has been undertaken at the half way mark and integrated where possible to enable wider testability for the pilot phase of this project.

The Next Steps are:

 Identification of practices: The PHO will nominate their practices and inform the regional work programme office of that selection (next 1-2 weeks)
  1. Technical: The vendor (Pathway Navigator) will need access to the practice computers to perform technical work/checks prior to commencement
  2. Training: 1 hour training session  with clinicians (doctors and nurses) who will be using the tool
  3. Feedback: Completion of a feedback sheet or online feedback through a feedback portal within the pathway will be required as clinicians utilise the tool and have improvement ideas or areas of clinical concern

..... Our final service is coming online for eReferrals....
Regional Mental Health and Addictions will be using CareConnect eReferrals for GP referrals from the end of November.

100% electronic referrals in 2015

Dianne Wilson (Our new Service Delivery Manager) is tasked with reaching 100% eReferrals by 2015.
Dianne has a clinical background and is able to appreciate the demands and workflows of clinical staff.

"I'm looking forward to working with GPs, PHOs and GPLs to meet this achievable target"

If you would like Dianne to visit your practice, please email her.
To see more information about 100% eReferrals click here


On October the 29th, Sue Wells and Karl Cole, our Auckland Patient Portal Ambassadors, hosted an information evening to talk about Patient Portals.
We had excellent attendance from interested GPs and PHOs despite competing with a MOH Ebola session!
Sue presented her Harkness Study findings on Organisational Strategies for Promoting Patient and Provider Uptake of Personal Health Records, and Karl talked about the positive impact and practical learnings of using portals in his Papatoetoe GP practice.

Graeme Osborne from the NHITB shared how Portals fit with the National Health Strategy
Attendees then had the opportunity to see portals in action from four independent vendors.
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