CALPELRA Alert/PERB:  Strike Vote, Strike Preparations,
And Impasse Preparation

In another major decision, PERB rejected Sweetwater Union High School District’s request to enjoin a teachers union’s strike threats and strike preparations while the parties were still engaged in the established impasse procedures.[i] In this decision (“Sweetwater”), PERB clarified whether pre-impasse strike votes and strike preparations are unlawful and therefore subject to being enjoined.
This Alert summarizes a significant recent court case, arbitration decision, legislation, or other important information.  The Alert format is not intended as a periodic review of all significant cases, but instead provides labor relations practitioners with key information for immediate guidance in day-to-day activities.
CALPELRA President:  G. Scott Miller, Ventura Port District
Alert No. 14-22,  Author:  William F. Kay and Janae Novotny, Burke, Williams & Sorensen
The information contained in this publication is not intended to constitute professional counsel or a legal opinion. Although we consider the information to be timely and accurate, there is no substitute for personal counsel with a professional. Provided with specific facts, your attorney can fashion a solution sensitive to your needs.
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