Issue #3 of 2014 (September)
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Seeking First

An update from Mike & Marianne Botting

What next, Lord?

During the past couple months, we have been asking the question "What next, Lord?" We wanted to share with you that we believe that God's original call on us to serve the Acholi people still stands. We have not felt released from serving here - in fact quite the opposite. We have growing burdens on our hearts to reach out and continue seeking to assist the Church to stand up for justice, love and mercy. And so we are in the process of clarifying the details of a 3-year extension in Uganda. We invite you to watch this 3-minute update video, and to continue to pray with us for God's leading and His vision.

We have a new post office box!

Our post office has been closed since March, so we opted to get a post box in Kitgum Town. We chose box #12, like the disciples! See the full change of address at the bottom of this newsletter.


Heard of "Multiply" by Francis Chan? It's a book about discipleship that helps Christians understand the mandate of the Great Commission as well as get a solid grounding in the overall story of the Bible, from start to finish. And the book is available free of charge on the website! This has been a great resource for our church.

The church also just completed a sermon series, centered around the idea in Ephesians 4:11-16 that every Christian is to be a minister. At the end of the series, we did a survey to capture the thoughts and ideas of the church members, both to seek how God might be leading the church to reach out and address problems of great concern in Pader (like domestic violence), and to help members reflect on their gifts and how they can serve. 
Rev. Patrick and Marianne with Rev. Godeth, visiting homes touched by the CHE ministry in western Uganda

CHE Update

There is lots to say, but we've already said so much! We're especially excited at the up-coming opportunity to teach CHE as part of the curriculum at Bishop Lee Leadership Training Centre, the new theological college for the Diocese of Kitgum. We've taken the usual spot for general "Highlights" in the right-hand column above and summarized other big developments in CHE (see "CHE Highlights"). You can also check our blog updates for more encouraging updates on how the CHE ministry is moving!
We are Mike & Marianne Botting, missionaries serving with Emmanuel International in Pader, Northern Uganda. Thank you for following our updates!

CHE Highlights

Successfully finished CHE Training-of-Trainers (TOT) 2&3 for the 4 Patongo teams

Visited Rwenzori Diocese in western Uganda and saw the impact of CHE when it is mature
Postponed Kalongo TOT1 due to scheduling conflicts with Synod and the Uganda Census
(new dates Sept 14-19)

Started inviting competent and passionate Trainers to teach at TOTs so that they can be equipped to help Rev. Patrick
Baby Marianna
"Who am I?" icebreaker during a Multiply small group discussion

Prayer Requests

For the Patongo CHE trainers to put their awareness raising plans into practice...and that they will PRAY!
For Mike and Rev. Patrick who will be leading TOT1 with 2 Trainers, while Marianne and Tom will be travelling to Kampala for a conference (Sept14-19)
For wisdom in ongoing discussions about our roles in the upcoming 3 years.
To be ready to teach CHE (Mike) and English (Marianne) at the new theological college (next term runs Sept 22nd - Oct 31st)
Thank you for following our updates! May God bless you. 
You can go to for more frequent updates.

Our mailing address is:
PO Box 12, Kitgum Town Council, Kitgum, Uganda, AFRICA

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