Announcing the UVa R Users Group
Whether you're a veteran R user or simply curious about the statistical programming language named after the 18th letter of the alphabet, you should check out the UVa R Users Group. The purpose of this group is simple: bring R enthusiasts (or the R curious) together to talk about using R for research, data analysis, data visualization and more. The first meetup is Monday, September 8 from 4:00-5:30 p.m. in the Library Data Commons@Curry, 302 Ruffner Hall. Our kickoff meeting will feature a 20-30 minute demonstration of advanced data manipulation and visualization with big data by Stephen Turner, followed by plenty of time for introductions, networking, suggestions for future meetings, and general R enthusiasm (and snacks!). Ready to join? Visit our Meetup page.
If you can't come to our first meet up, sign up for the group anyway to learn what's up next. And feel free to post to the Meetup page if you have ideas for future gatherings (or if you're interested in presenting!).