Behind the Numbers
Aloha, Friend.
As I work on processing Scriptures for people all over the world, This is about helping real people with real faces in real places. I think about them and pray for them. I would like you to agree in prayer, too, that the Good News of Jesus Christ would be revealed to every tribe, every nation, and in every language, bearing fruit in lives saved and people becoming true disciples of Jesus Christ.
One of the Scriptures I posted last week in inScript and HTML formats was the Albanian Bible. The Albanian language is spoken in Albania, Kosovo, and a few other adjoining countries. Mother Teresa was an ethnic Albanian. So are some good Christian friends of ours from Kosovo. However, there is still much evangelistic work to do. The Albanian government totally banned all religious observances from 1967 to 1990. Currently, private religious practice is allowed. A 2011 survey estimated that 16.8% of Albanians identified themselves as Christian (Catholic or Orthodox) 56.7% identified themselves as Muslim. The vast majority of Albanians have Internet access. Pray that they find their Bible online and read it.

Thank you for your prayers and support.