Welcome to our latest newsletter full of strata title information from around Australia.
This is our largest newsletter to date. We are considering publishing a weekly edition of the newsletter due to the large number of blog posts we are now receiving on our blog. Please let me know your thoughts. Thanks to everyone for your continued support.
Over the last few weeks we have had a few changes to the site. I've been continuing to update the information pages so that they are easier to view and access. I still have a little bit of work to do here. We have also reinstated the Strata Jobs Directory page. If you have any positions vacant, this may be great news to you! Excellent package available.
Look out for improvements to the Australian Strata Services Directory - happening over the next few weeks. Is you listing claimed and ready?!?
We would like to provide a warm welcome to our first time blog authors appearing in this edition - Allison Benson from Kerin Benson Lawyers, Richard Phillipps from Turnbull Bowles Lawyers and Luke Veron from Smarta Laundries. Also, welcome back Gareth Huxham from EnergySmartStrata and Edwin Almeida from Just Think Real Estate. As always, a big thank you to all of our regular contributors.
Please forward the newsletter on to other strata lovers! Have an excellent fortnight (or maybe week - let me know what you think)...
WA to implement their own Model Work Health and Safety (WHS) Laws?
Peter Berney,
Solutions in Engineering
Western Australia has always been behind the Strata Compliance eight-ball. Well this may change as they’ve taken a few more steps towards implementing their own brand of the “National” Model Work Health and Safety (WHS) Laws.
So You’re About to Move Into a Brand New NSW Strata Scheme: Tips and Traps
Richard Phillipps,
Turnbull Bowles Lawyers
Congratulations! The deal has gone through and you are about to move into a brand new NSW strata scheme! Hmm, so what do you do now?
NSW: Use of Building Intruder Alarms in Strata Schemes
Michael Pobi, Pobi Lawyers
Do intruder alarms count as noise in strata schemes? And if they are causing a nuisance, what can strata occupiers and the owners corporation really do about it?
NSW Case Note: Are You Obliged to Allow the Original Builder to Repair Building Defects?
Allison Benson,
Kerin Benson Lawyers
A recent Supreme Court decision has validated the right of the Owners Corporation to refuse an offer by the original builder to repair building defects in certain circumstances.
Asbestos safety and eradication agency bill 2013 presentation
Peter Greenham, Independent Inspections
Asbestos safety: as a direct consequence of high usage of asbestos in Australia, recent studies have indicated that the incidence of mesothelioma is increasing.
The Hidden Cash Register sitting in your building - coin operated laundry machines
Luke Veron, Smarta Laundries
Have you ever considered getting a share of the profits for coin operated laundry machines in your strata scheme?
NSW: Before the fall - Balcony safety regulations are still falling short
Edwin Almeida,
Just Think Real Estate
Are new changes in legislation with respect to material and methods of building, in particular balcony safety regulations, enough to maintain a safe living environment?
NSW: No Smoking By Law in Strata Schemes – How Far Can They Go?
Michael Pobi, Pobi Lawyers
In New South Wales, a no smoking by law which has been drafted to address smoke-related nuisance within a scheme is likely to be upheld by the Courts and the Tribunal.
QLD: What happens if a general meeting motion is out of order?
Frank Higginson, Hynes Legal
How to deal with out of order motions: When do they occur, what role does the chairman play and how should out of order motions be handled correctly?
NSW: Legal Defence Costs - Residential Strata Insurance - Comparative Snapshot
David Bannerman and Mark Pollinger,
Bannermans Lawyers
This article provides a brief comparison on the legal defence costs cover concerning residential strata insurance issued by some of the insurers.
NSW Common Property, Lots and Strata Title Issues
Michael Pobi, Pobi Lawyers
To determine what land, structures or airspace comprise lots or New South Wales common property in your strata scheme it is necessary to examine the various definitions contained in the legislation.
ACT Case Note: How to Count the Numbers – Voting Requirements in Unit Plans
Allison Benson,
Kerin Benson Lawyers
A reminder to Owners Corporations that they must strictly adhere to legislative requirements to ensure the validity of its special resolutions.
Smart meters, smart savings
Gareth Huxham, EnergySmartStrata
Apartment buildings have a lot to gain from the roll-out of electricity smart meters. For some strata schemes savings can be as high as 50%!
NSW: Do I Need To Pay An Owners Corporation Money for an Exclusive Use By-Law?
Michael Pobi, Pobi Lawyers
Guidance about when an owners corporation can seek payment of money from a lot owner in consideration for the grant of an exclusive use by-law over common property.
NSW: Caretaker and Building Management Agreements
David Bannerman and Mark Pollinger, Bannermans Lawyers
An overview of the processes and legislation involving Caretaker and Building Management Agreements, including review, performance and termination of the caretaker.
NSW: What is section 80D and why is it so important?
Allison Benson,
Kerin Benson Lawyers
Section 80D of the Strata Schemes Management Act 1996 (NSW) requires an Owners Corporation to pass, at general meeting, a resolution authorising the seeking of legal advice or the initiation of legal proceedings.