Aug 13 draft meeting notes and actions
Australian Tallow Producers update
TPI planting success
Tottenham Industrial Precinct Framework
FolkC Planting Day Sept 21

 BCRG Update 18_2014

September 09, 2014

Hi everyone,

In this update:
1) draft BCRG meeting notes Aug 13 2014
2) Rolling Action list
3) Victorian Container Management Update
4) Transpacific Planting Day success
5) Tottenham Precinct framework Plan
6) FOLKC planting day Sept 21

1) draft BCRG meeting notes

The draft meeting notes from the Aug BCRG forum are now available from the BrooklynIP website. Click here to download.
It includes updates from EPA, Cargill Transpacific and the height of stockpiles.

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2) Rolling Action List

The updated BCRG rolling list of actions that have been identified during the community forums is now available on the Brooklynip website. Click here.

3) Victorian Container Management Update

13/08/14 After much consideration, VCM has decided not to renew the lease at 433A Somerville Road Tottenham which finishes in February 2016. It is our intention to vacate the site at that time, if not before. The EPA will be issuing a new Pollution Abatement Notice for the site.
VCM has spent over $2,470,000.00 at both the VCM site and Container Logistics site on planning, staff, equipment and site sealing to assist with the dust issue in Brooklyn. VCM will still strive to reduce all dust emissions by continuing the current maintenance routine and making improvements where possible.

For further information you can contact Cheryl Valneris directly on:
Cheryl Valneris, Director, Victorian Container Management P/L (VCM)
433A Somerville Road, Tottenham Vic. 3012
Ph: 613 93155000, Mobile: 0418990508
4) Transpacific Planting Day

                                  Transpacific wishes to thank the wonderful volunteers who lent us their green thumbs on Sunday 17 August 2014 to remediate the western side of the Kororoit Creek, adjacent to the former landfill at Transpacific’s Old Geelong Road site. Over 260 trees were planted by eighteen people within two hours under sunny blue skies. 
The trial planting exercise was hosted by Transpacific in partnership with Melbourne Water to assess and refine a progressive planting program along the remainder of the embankment in 2015.
Special thanks to Geoff Mitchelmore for mustering his many Friends of Lower Kororoit Creek. Also, thanks to Bert Boere, Bruce Light, Joe Coleiro from Cargill, residents and Friends of Kororoit Creek for their participation and tremendous support for the project. 
Olga Ghiri | Stakeholder and Community Liaison Officer, Transpacific Industries Group Ltd
  5) Tottenham Precinct Framework Plan

You may be interested to know that the Maribyrnong CC has been working on a Tottenham Precinct Framework Plan to guide the long term planning of the Tottenham Industrial Precinct.   

A copy of the strategy was reported to Maribyrnong CC, City Development Special Committee on 24 June 2014. You can download the documents from the agenda at this link:  Amendment C108 - Planning for Maribyrnong's Industrial LandBack to TOP
6) Bushcare's Major Day Out

Friends of Lower Kororoit Creek Inc. (FOLKC) is to have its final planting for 2014 on Sunday 21 September commencing at 10am

The meeting point for the day is on top of the blue stone historic bridge over Kororoit Creek, at the bottom of Clelland Road, Brooklyn Melway Reference 40 G 10.

For more details and the event flyer click here.

Forward this e-news on - Remember you can promote BCRG to the wider community. If you know someone who may be interested in the updates, there are links at the top and bottom of this email enabling you to forward to a friend or add an email address to our list. (The database is tightly controlled to protect individuals’ contact details, and is used solely for the purposes of disseminating relevant information.)

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Andrea Mason

Executive Officer
Brooklyn Community Representative Group
Ph: 0427 338 482
PO Box 8001, Rippleside, Vic, 3215

PS BCRG Community Forum meeting date for 2014 is Wednesday November 12.

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The contents of this update and any attachments are forwarded for information purposes. They do not necessarily reflect the views of BCRG, including the Convenor, Executive Officer or its membership. BCRG is not aligned with (or influenced by) any political entity or any one organisation. It exists for the purpose of facilitating community, industry, local government and EPA to work together to ensure that public concerns and aspirations regarding odour, noise and dust in the general Brooklyn area are consistently understood and considered. That being said, real engagement necessitates dissemination of a range of ideas, opinions and views in order to enable informed participation from a broad base.


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