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Welcome to September's Newsletter!

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Donate to help us protect the children


The series of events that will take place across the country to help himaya spread awareness about child abuse has begun! 

The caravan hit the Dictateur in Mar Mikhael this August to start its journey towards protecting children!

We had a great night listening to the talented Joy Fayad  and Nour Nimri singing all night. All proceeds from this night went to supporting himaya's fight against child abuse. 
We would like to thank all the people who came, and all our sponsors as the night would not have been possible without them. Check out the pictures from the night here.

The Caravan will be hitting the road again soon, so keep an eye out on our facebook page for more details, or email if you would like to take part prior to the event.

2014 - 2015 Academic Year

The school plays an important role in providing children with protection; it is at school that they discover and build up their character as well as develop meaningful relationships and encounters. Furthermore, teachers and educators are the guardians of the children at school, and it is their responsibility to protect them. 

In order to ensure that this protection is provided, Himaya conducts training programs tailored to each schools’ needs. The programs are directed towards children, teachers, parents and individuals who are in contact with kids. We have started preparing our schedule for the 2014/2015 academic year and are introducing some new training subjects. 

If you are interested in our trainings or know someone who would be, please contact the training program on for more information.

Himaya launches its new products!

We launched our new line of products for women and young girls conveying protection messages this August in several events that took place around Lebanon. All items were on display in all the events we participated in and are available to order online via 

The events himaya participated in this August included: Faraya Mza’art Summer Festival, the 7th Ehden Bookfair, the festival in Joseph Tohme Skaff Park in Zahle, the Ajaltoun festival.

Many generous people donated money, bought our products and supported himaya in various ways. We would like to thank them tremendously for their contributions and interest in our cause! 

The Story of Nadine

Nadine is a young girl aged 14. Her dad passed away when she was only 8 and her mother who struggled with drugs and prostitution used to pay her neighbors in order to keep her at their place for the whole day. One day, Nadine's mother didn't come back to pick her up. It was not long before they learned that Nadine's mother was incarcerated and sentenced  to life. The only family Nadine had left was her younger brother, aged 12, and the nice lady, that we shall call "B", who took her in while her mother was nowhere to be found. With all these saddening events, the worse was yet to come as B.'s husband was becoming more and more abusive with Nadine and on one unfortunate night, the husband abused her sexually and repeatedly. The abuse led Nadine to flee far far away from home and seek shelter in the closest police station. Nadine was then referred to himaya where she arrived utterly confused and had no recollection of why and how she got here. It was clear to see that the abuse and trauma she had suffered from severely affected her memory as well as her physical and mental state. When asked about her age or about her birthday, Nadine had no answer. Like a little girl stuck in a shell scared and eager to come out at the same time. Today and with a lot of efforts Nadine is speaking out about her past experiences and struggles. She recognizes that it is a long process and the multidisciplinary team of himaya's Resilience center accompanies her every step towards rebuilding what was once broken and stolen from her. Despite of all this hardship, Nadine has big dreams for the future, the first step being to get her technical diploma in cooking and finding the right place for an internship. himaya might have found the next Master Chef! 
Send us your CV and skills or ways in which you would like to get involved.

Introduce us to people or companies you believe would like to help.
Donate used or new goods.
Sponsor a project by providing skills or financing it.
Monetary donation for beneficiaries or various projects.

Account in the name of: Association Himaya
Bank: Banque Libano Francaise
Branch: Accaoui
Account # USD: 016351066003840
IBAN USD: LB12001000000016351066003840

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IBAN LBP: LB46001000000016351066003422

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