What do you do for a brain break?
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Holy Cow Batman, I'm Drowning!

Ever have one of those weeks where

you feel like you can never quite get caught up? This has been one of those weeks. I am gathering myself, moving beyond ranting and moving into solutions and problem solving. Check out the image below to see my brainstorming to make education more productive in my school. I think we are on to something(thanks Jeremy for helping me process)

I read this article about why people don't listen to you and I kept imagining the classroom. Are you using these ideas? If so, then perhaps that is why engagement is not where you want it to be. Great thinking points for myself as I am working on six presentations for the next month.

This article about Digital Literacy is really meaningful to schools right now as we all struggle with the change and what to teach. I think the comments are just and valuable as the article itself.

To go along with digital literacy, what about online privacy? Here is a nice collection of resources if you are at all interested in privacy online
I love Medium and this week I read this fascinating read about how a can of Coke is produced. It is a excerpt of an upcoming book in which I did pre-order based on this read so I guess the sales pitch worked!

To further show my love of Medium, Clive Thompson talks about robotic handwriting and funny thing is I was duped by this just last week!

We all know we need brain breaks. This is a perfect brain break when you need 5 minutes.
This article is another perfect example of why I cannot stand to have conversations over the importance of textbooks. Now if we used textbooks to dispel lies and inaccuracies that would be great, but we don't do that in schools.

On a positive note, here is an example and nice write up about how powerful exhibition nights can really enhance education when done right.
Here are my posts from the week in case you missed them.

Mindset and Engagement Are Two Solutions to the Education Scare 

Don't Forget To Help Leaders STOP! 

"You Can’t Always Test An Assumption…….. 
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