For CCEG Members: September 2014 update and news
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From a standing start in April 2013, CCEG now boasts an incredible 14,277 opted in subscribers who believe in the values we do and who wish to contribute to our agenda. Our message is current, relevant, and germane to organisations of today. We attract interesting individuals and give them a voice. Read the inspiring blog from Zarin Sharif, start-up entrepreneur and ex-offender, on how our Social Value campaign has impacted on his life and helped him articulate his vision to others.


On 15th September we launched the 250 page Birmingham Social Value report commissioned by Birmingham City Council. On the same day we launched the UK Social Value Portal with Hazel Blears MP. Finally, on 22nd September we launched the SEMLEP report on Food & Drink industry in South East Midlands.


CCEG caught on video delivering a speech at The Vatican (also covered by Vatican Press), and focusing on Social Value at The Information Daily (part 1 and part 2). 

Other News

Once again University of Northampton Business School (NBS) has been shortlisted for THE Business School of the Year 2014; the submission focused on 3 strategic imperatives of students experience, employability and social enterprise. CCEG, which resides within NBS, is at the forefront of social innovation and since our last newsletter in May we have hosted an event at The House of Lords, provided keynote speeches at the Institute of Financial Services, DMU and EU FP7 conferences. Finally, we consulted to Advisers and Directors of Health and Social Care to the Prime Minister of Spain (above). 

Contact us if you are interested in any of the CCEG's projects, especially in the area of social impact analysis, or previous projects as shown on our website: Also, should this email be forwarded on, why not join our newsletter list at's Membership page?

Professor Olinga Ta'eed
Centre for Citizenship, Enterprise & Governance
+44 7798 602987

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