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New CM will launch in October!

In August I shared with you my excitement over hearing that a new business was coming, combining all that we've known and loved with the new and fresh.  Now, I am excited to announce that the new CM is launching in October!!

CM will be offering the best of both Creative Memories and Ahni & Zoe:  the original scrapbook albums and pages beloved around the world, and modern, quick-to-complete albums that appeal to today's busy families.  The hints at what is to come continue to keep my excitement level high!!

Here's an official announcement quote:
"We're pleased to share that the new CM, owned by Flowerdale Group Limited, will be reintroducing both Creative Memories and Ahni & Zoe products this fall, continuing the legacy of high quality albums and accessories both companies have been known for."

I look forward to keeping you up to date as more details are revealed!

My plans...

While a final decision will be based on the business model and career plan presented, my plan is to join the new CM and rebuild my business.  I am so looking forward to continuing with my passion of helping others share, celebrate and preserve their memories!

If you have any interest at all in the opportunity to join me for a fun, fresh, profitable business - let me know.  I will share with you the details as I learn them.  I loved having a team with Creative Memories and look forward to working together with a new team in the near future!

Retreat Openings!

What are your plans for September 26-28?  Come join in the fun at Camp Victory!  I have some spots still open and I know that you wouldn't regret coming!

Quick details:
Fri-Sun, Sept 26-28 - Fee: $145
Thu, Sept 25 - Add on Fee: $45

Camp Victory in Zumbro Falls, MN.  2 nights lodging and 5 meals included.  (Fri brunch is included in Thu add on fee).

For complete details and registration information, click here: Fall Retreat 2014

I look forward to being in touch with you again soon!
Laurie Grover
Photo Solutions Specialist with Grover Memories
Phone: 612-840-2832
I would love to help find the best Photo Solutions for you to celebrate & enjoy your memories!