Welcome to issue 159 of Python Weekly.  Let's get straight to the links this week.

Articles, Tutorials and Talks

Music Information Retrieval Using Locality Sensitive Hashing
The talk contains both a high-level overview as well as concrete examples of implementing MIR(Music information retrieval) algorithms in Python using the IPython notebook. It also discusses concrete elements of prototyping an MIR system including data visualization, open-source tools, and evaluation.

IPython Notebooks in education
In this video, IPython creator Fernando Perez and core developer Brian Granger to talk about IPython Notebooks and their powerful educational uses.

Building an Analytics App with Flask
A post that shows  you how to build a lightweight analytics service using Flask.

Design and Evaluation of Gradual Typing for Python
This paper presents Reticulated Python, a system for experimenting with gradual-typed dialects of Python. The dialects are syntactically identical to Python 3 but give static and dynamic semantics to the type annotations already present in Python 3. Reticulated Python consists of a typechecker and a source-to-source translator from Reticulated Python to Python 3. Using Reticulated Python, we evaluate a gradual type system and three approaches to the dynamic semantics of mutable objects: the traditional semantics based on Siek and Taha (2007) and Herman et al. (2007) and two new designs. We evaluate these designs in the context of several third-party Python programs.

JSON Web Token Authentication with Django and AngularJS: Part One
The most common approach to authentication is cookie-based authentication. A more modern approach that is quickly gaining support is token-based authentication with JSON Web Tokens. We will focus on the latter in this post.

Making a Little Planet Panorma using Python and Scikit Image
This post gives you a quick example of how to interactively play with an image and warp it from an equirectangular projection to the popular "little planet" projection.

Build a REPL With Python Prompt Toolkit
The aim of this tutorial is to build an interactive command line interface for SQLite database using prompt_toolkit.

BAM! A Web Framework "Short Stack"
This how-to article describes how you can use Bottle, Apache, and MongoDB to create a simple, understandable, and fast website.

The Flask Mega-Tutorial: Now with Python 3 Support
All the articles that are part of this tutorial, along with the tutorial's code repository on GitHub have been revised with Python 3. The example code now works with Flask 0.10.1, and all the dependencies were also upgraded to current versions. The example application is now compatible with Python 2.7 and Python 3.3+.

Celery in Production
In a previous post, we introduced using Celery to schedule tasks. In this post, we address things you might need to consider when planning how to deploy Celery in production.

Making Hybrid Images

Upgrading Your Django Reusable App To Support Django 1.7


Practical Data Science Cookbook
89 hands-on recipes to help you complete real-world data science projects in R and Python

Raspberry Pi I/O Programming Using Python
This book provides alternative approach to access Raspberry Pi I/O using Python. It describes how to work with Raspberry Pi I/O and illustrates their use with code examples in Python.

Interesting Projects, Tools and Libraries

prompt_toolkit is a Library for building powerful interactive command lines in Python. It ships with a nice interative Python shell (called ptpython) built on top of the library.

pyparty is a small library for drawing, labeling, patterning and manipulating particles in 2d images.

Swervin Mervin
A recreation of 80's-style pseudo-3D arcade racing games, written in Python and Pygame.

Multiple Template Engines for Django
This is a Indiegogo campaign raising money that will allow to provide first-class support for third-party template engines in Django and native Jinja2 integration.

Memory Issues happen to the best of us. memory_utils will give you simple tools to quickly isolate the cuplrit, and ideally, warn you before you run into issues.

Fail2ban web dashboard written with Flask framework.

Elita is an engine/framework for continuous deployment (Deployment as a Service) and API-driven infrastructure utilizing git and salt. Elita maps build packages to filesystem locations on an arbitrary number of remote servers and allows deployment (and more) via RESTful HTTP calls.

Pure Python Markdown parser and renderer for the CommonMark spec

Malort is a tool for taking nested JSON data and trying to sniff out the appropriate relational db column types from the keys and values. It currently only supports Redshift, but the column mappers can be easily extended to other DBs.

New Releases 

Microsoft Visual C++ Compiler for Python 2.7
Microsoft has released a compiler package for Python 2.7 to make it easier for people to build and distribute their C extension modules on Windows. This package contains all the tools and headers required to build C extension modules for Python 2.7 32-bit and 64-bit.

Upcoming Events and Webinars

DC Python Meetup October 2014 - Washington, DC
There will be following talks 

  • How to use Python web services with an Arduino and Raspberry Pi 
  • Emacs for Python
  • Scalable Topic modeling in Python w/ the Gensim package

PyMNtos Python Presentation Night #21 - Minneapolis, MN
There will be following presentations

  • Trinket: Embeddable runnable Python for the web
  • Closures and Lamdas in Python 
  • Python desktop application development with PyQt/PySide
  • Analyzing motion signatures using pandas 

PyAtl Meetup October 2014 - Atlanta, GA   
This month we have two excellent presentations lined up. First, Daniel Rocco will present a follow-up to last month's presentation, this time converting numbers to their English language representation. Then, Brian Holland will show us how to set up and get the most from IPython notebook. 

Austin Python Meetup October 2014 - Austin, TX

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