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Welcome this edition to our new blog author Terry Emselle, Resiflor with some excellent information on how to make the right choice when deciding on a floor covering for your common areas. Plus lots of other great articles from our regular - well, fantastic - contributors.
I am working out of Bali this week! I will be accessing emails daily, but will leave all non urgent matters until I return to the office around the 16th October. Thank you for your understanding. I may even post a few pics to the LookUpStrata Facebook page.
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NSW Strata Title, Strata Scheme, Strata Plan. What is the difference?
Inger Brettle, Premium Strata
NSW Strata title, Strata Schemes and Strata Plan. You may understand that somehow these terms are all related, but how exactly? This article will demystify the terminology for you.
What Do I Do When a Subcontractor Doesn’t Perform?
David Bannerman and
Ben Robertson, Bannermans Lawyers
Builders need to manage both the “front-end” and “back-end” of works performed by subcontractors so that builders can take appropriate steps if a subcontractor performs defective work or fails to finish a job.
NSW: Owners Corporation’s Duty to Maintain and Repair Common Property
Pierrette Khoury,
Turnbull Bowles Lawyers
It is imperative the Owners Corporation is mindful of its obligations with regard to the legislation and ensures the common property is properly maintained and repaired.
Lisa Rutland,
When carrying out a strata search, I’ve learnt to identify “red flags” in body corporate records. To me a red flag is something that tickles my sense that something isn’t quite right.
NSW: Neighbour Disputes Over Water Damage – What Can I Do?
Michael Pobi, Pobi Lawyers
Strata neighbour disputes over water run-off damage to a property can arise due to many factors including poor drainage systems, the level of the property and heavy rain.
Enforcement of by-laws, including strata car parking concerns, is a committee issue. There is no scope under the BCCM Act for anyone to solve an issue on their own terms.
Michael Pobi, Pobi Lawyers
Strata Bylaws NSW: A recent Supreme Court of NSW decision is an important warning for owners corporations not to take short cuts when making by-laws.
Queensland Waters Down ‘Off the Plan’ Protection Laws - See more at: http://sourceable.net/queensland-waters-down-off-the-plan-protection-laws/#sthash.Y9OIcQxd.dpufVIC:
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Sustainable Residential Tower set to Commence after Two Week Sell-Out - See more at: http://sourceable.net/brisbanes-sustainable-residential-tower-set-commence-two-week-sell/#sthash.UTKuXh6q.dpu