Let's Stay Connected
So You Know
Passing the Baton Saint Louis County Police are once again in control of handling Ferguson protests. Due to being a "bigger, better trained and more professional police department" they hope to improve conditions between officers and protesters. Interesting read.
Sole Black Supervisor on Ferguson PD Reflects "We are not killing you; you are killing yourselves," notes Sgt. Dilworth, the lone black supervisor on the Ferguson PD force, in response to the unrest currently in Ferguson. In all, you should read this entire article now.
Silence is Consent Voices of unarmed black men cry out, in powerful illustrations across America. Must read.
STL County Police Videotape Protesters As a Part of An Ongoing Investigation STL County Police have stated that they are videotaping protesters as a part of an ongoing investigation but are refusing to release any of the footage in response to media Sunshine Requests. The "incident" sparking the investigation is apparently civil disobedience on Canfield on August 9th. Quick read, must read.
Woman Shot in Head at Protest Still Not Sure Who Shot Her Personal interview with local Saint Louis activist Mya Aaten-White who was shot in the head by a stray bullet on August 12, 2014. Mya discusses her personal goals and vision for the movement inspired by the killing of Mike Brown.
Orange is the New Black A group of protesters were arrested Thursday, October 2nd and spent most of the following day in jail. Bail was set as high as $2700 for some -- a hefty price for freedom fighting.
4 New Plaintiffs Added to Excessive Force Lawsuit Against STL County PD, et al This brief article identifies the 4 additional plaintiffs added to the excessive force lawsuit against the STL County PD and provides a quick recap of the lawsuit.
What I Did After Police Killed My Son "If they can shoot a white boy like a dog, imagine what we've been going through," says a black man to Michael Bell, the father of a 21-year-old killed by an officer in 2004. Mr. Bell reflects on Mike Brown's death and tells his personal story. Powerful read.
Amnesty Expanded The STL Post-Dispatch uses its editorial page to highlight the importance of a true and expanded amnesty program, the role that fines and fees play in perpetuating structural racism, and note that this is just the beginning of reform. Important read.
Frmr Chicago Officer Who Ran Police Torture Ring Released After spending less than 4 years in prison, the former Chicago police commander who, over the span of decades, tortured approximately 100 black men with electrical shock, beatings, and burning, is released. This article provides an overview of the tortune, features victim quotes, and an apology from the Mayor. Yes, this is real. Read this now.
What's Next
October 3rd and October 4th (Friday and Saturday)
St. Louis Comedian Darius Bradford Headlines Comic Relief for Ferguson Event
Time: Doors open at 6pm, event begins at 7pm both nights
Location: Greater Grace Church (3690 Pershall Road)
Bradford will be joined by "national comedic friends" during this Clean Comedy Series event. Tickets cost $20 per person, with a portion going towards local aid.
Click here to learn more information.
October 4th (Saturday)
Free College Readiness Program for Ferguson-Florrisant Students and Parents
Time: 11am - 3pm
Location: Ferguson Municipal Library (35. N. Florrisant Rd.)
The Above&Beyond college readiness program will make its debut on Saturday. Above&Beyond will take on kids' perceptions of college, reveal the resources available for college applicants, and assist kids throughout the application and preparation process. Click here for more information.
Law In Action: Know Your Rights! (A SLU Law Community Legal Education Project)
Time: 1pm - 3pm
Location: Dellwood Recreation Center (10268 W. Florissant Avenue, 63136)
Do you know your legal rights? Come to this session to learn more about your rights!
Poets for Ferguson, Pratt MFA
Time: 6:30pm EST
Location: Fowler Arts Collective (67 West Street #216, Brooklyn, NY 11222)
The event will feature a selection of readers from the Pratt MFA Program in Writing & Activism, along with a few special guests. Poets for Ferguson is a fundraising event to assist the bail fund and other protesters in Ferguson. Click here to learn more information.
October 5th (Sunday)
Flood Christian Church -- Sermon Topic: Arrest Him Now
Time: 12:30pm
Location: 7413 W. Florissant Avenue, 63136
This is the church where the Brown family pastor preaches.
October 7th (Next Tuesday)
Ferguson City Government Town Hall
Time: 6pm - 8pm
Location: Ferguson Community Center (1050 Smith Avenue, Ferguson, MO.)
The topic of this session is "Addressing Diversity and Racial Tension." This is anticipated to be closed to all non-residents and media.
October 10th - 13th (A Week Away)
National March on Ferguson
Visit fergusonoctober.com for more information.
Ferguson United Leadership Team Open Meeting
Thursdays from 6pm - 8pm CST
Location: Greater St. Marks on Chambers
Events in Ferguson
Remember to check the calendar for events happening in Ferguson.
Your Role In The Movement
- Bail Fund Donations. Missourians Organizing for Reform and Empowerment (MORE) have a bail fund to assist protesters. Click here to donate. According to organizers, the police are aiming to deplete the current bail fund by making the bail of any arrested protester $1,000, the legal limit. Please help.
- ArchCityDefenders. This is the group of lawyers providing legal assistance to arrested protesters and assisting with legal strategy related to the protests. This is also the group that has led the work on the fines and fees issue in Missouri. Learn more and support them.
- Ferguson Digital Archive. Washington University has led the creation of a digital repository aiming to "preserve and make accessible" content related to the killing of Mike Brown. Submit or review material.
- Unapologetically Black. Click here to purchase a shirt by the Black Youth Project that reads "Unapologetically Black." Love these shirts.