Perspectives from the Stair Newsletter shows you how to drive profit by resolving the risks in your business. Our 2014 theme: Fluency, celebrates Q3: Cultural Fluency
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Image: Brisbane's Story Bridge
Perspectives from the Stair: Volume II, Issue 14a

1: Growing Leadership teams in the Eastern Mediterranean

2: How to Apply Business Jujitsu

1: Growing Leader­ship Teams in the Eastern Medi­ter­ranean

The power of being present in the moment

Matt Weilert   » Share & Subscribe
A recent client win in our for-profit LLC allowed us to set up a fall outreach trip for our non-profit, Systems Thinking & En­gin­eer­ing Technical Alliance (STETA). 

As the Board Chair, I will be hosting a series of meetings to launch STETA chapters and grow our leadership pool in Central & Eastern Europe, Middle East & Africa (CEEMA). Specific details of the meetings in Turkey, Greece, Cyprus and Malta are under development. 

STETA is a "chamber of commerce for risk" whose goal is to transform how risk is measured and managed to deliver exponential improvements in risk outcomes for both for-profit and non-profit alike.

Our 5 field trials have shown that risk solutions powered by Systemkey deliver many-fold reductions in operational risks across industries; re­lease new revenue streams and hence create jobs. Local jobs.

As implementation spreads, Systemkey dialog-driven risk discovery transforms the opaque art of risk management into practical skillsets for the classic stem careers. By Making Risk Social to Make You Safersm local STETA chapters will play a vital role in growing local economies!Dialog-driven risk discovery is reflected in the Systemkey™ logo.

To successfully implement the dialog-driven risk discovery tech­niques powered by Systemkey Risk Modeling Language (SRML), it's vital to have active participation of key stakeholders: members of the local business and academic communities.

Can you help with:

  • » introductions to business leaders? Whom do you know who might be interested in bringing a novel, yet proven effective risk resolution strategy into their or­gan­iz­a­tions? These might be professionals in en­gin­eer­ing, tech­no­logy or finance com­munit­ies. (See for full information on STETA members levels.)

  • » introductions to deans, regents, provosts & university presidents at Mediterranean institutes of higher learning, specifically college & university faculty in Turkey, Cyprus, Greece and Malta? 


Reach out to us [by email, phone] if you can help or you're interested in more detail. We're excited to share this new chapter in the journey.

Upscale your small-to-midsize business communications with our new Rock Eel Digital Marketplace.
Perspectives from the Stair is a rich content newsletter designed to engage leaders in a specific 19 day learn, review and teach pattern for the lessons in each issue. For those who want to breeze through while multi-tasking 8 other things, you're shopping in the wrong aisle, Boz. That dog don't hunt, as we say in Texas. If you'd like to learn more, reach out to our publisher on linkedin. Someone will respond promptly.

2: Home on Jam

Lighthouse and Spyglass logo
Turning Y.O.U.R. competition inside out
BonnieRobin Mariela Watau
» Share & Subscribe
Part of business jujitsu is using the enemy's strengths against them. The idea of using the signal coming from an elec­tron­ic jammer as a homing beacon to find (& remove) the nuisance is a modern-day warfare practice [1, 2] of this timeless principle. Use the source of the problem as a solution to the problem.

Jay Rosen's key expression "what’s happening over the horizon of our personal experience" captures that sense of going up the stairs of the lighthouse in our logo.

As we climb, over 2½ week intervals [1, 2], we see the same thing again from higher and higher perspectives, each time seeing further. This "seeing over the horizon" is central to our unfair market advantage in risk discovery, risk resolution and risk reduction.

Question for you dear reader: How is the spyglass in our logo image related to time travel? The first 5 correct answers win the book of their choice from the STI Press catalog.

Disruptive innovation, a phrase beloved in "Valleyspeak" (the tortured patois that passes for English in Silicon Valley, Austin and other tech hubs), is only possible because the prevailing customer service standards are so bad. To channel the century old soap slogan, 99 44/100 % of customer service problems arise in how a company's leaders shape the company culture.

Failure to actively shape the culture is a decision to fail. Charles Fishman says that the hard part of customer service is how companies think and how they behave – newsflash! – companies neither think nor behave good or bad. Ever.
Companies are pieces of paper

that make it easier for people to assemble value-delivery-circles and transfer money based on the movement of goods & services.

Every time we make or spend a dollar we are engaging in a transaction with another person, says Steve Bollman [1, 2]. No matter how many layers of ab­strac­tion we must peel away, relationships are the heart of all human activity. We are a people hard-wired for community and no amount of new-agey nonsense can change that objective truth.

In his classic, Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance, Robert Pirsig discusses that we cannot walk through walls because we believe they are solid.

Updating what an organization believes about measuring and managing risk is central to delivering exponential improvements in their risk signature or put more simply, the sum of all those discrete elements that combine to deliver the total picture of risk for their lifecycle, be it project, product, an individual, the firm as a whole or their entire industry.

To turn your competition inside out, simply choose to live in the city of gold:

Want to help STETA grow? Become a member today!

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