To improve performance for all MailChimp users, we've changed the concurrency and rate limits in the API for each user.

API Concurrency and Rate Limits

To improve performance for all MailChimp users, we've changed the concurrency and rate limits in the API.

In the past, we limited each user account to 10 concurrent connections per IP address. This allowed nearly limitless concurrent calls to the API. A user taking full advantage of that potential can generate load that is difficult to manage or plan for.

The new limit makes it easier for us to ensure that one user's API calls won't impact service availability for other customers.

We will continue to handle requests above this limit as we have in the past, by returning a Too_Many_Connections error. Requests that generate this error ought to be retried at a later time.

Rate Limiting
We wrote our previous rate limiting code to slow down single-threaded scripts making sequential calls to the API. It did this by delaying the execution of the call by a few seconds. This sleep-based method was holding database connections open too long, allowing them to pile up.

It turns out that the throttling code hurt more than it helped, so we've removed it. For now, API calls are limited only by concurrency!

More Changes Coming?
These tweaks are a step in the right direction, but they probably won't get us all the way to where we want to be. It's likely that we'll add some form of rate-limiting back into the API. If possible, we'll give advance notice if we decide to do that.

For questions, please feel free to reach out to our API support team!
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