Commitment is a powerful thing. And committing to yourself, first and foremost, is super empowering.
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Surprise! Look at what I just got: 
Actually, technically, I "got" this a month ago, but was too busy to notice. ;) Isn't this exciting? Yes it is! And I'll tell you why. But first? First let's talk about:
DUN DUN DUUUUUNNN!!!! Do you hear the music? ;)
Yes, the music highlighting the importance of THE POWER OF COMMITMENT. It is important. So I ask you now:

What do you want for yourself, for this life?

Are you willing to commit to taking action in the direction of your goals and dreams?

I absolutely love that quote. As someone who feels it's important to honor one's inner rhythm and cycles, to go with the flow, and understands that change is constant, the word "commitment" used to feel suffocating to me. And if I'm being totally honest, it still sometimes does. But this quote has been working it's magic on me for the past few years.

Plus, commitment feels great, not suffocating or scary or limiting when I am clear on what the commitment actually is, when I am clear on what I truly want, what I'm saying yes to, what's in alignment, and when I have support in keeping me on track, taking baby steps, and  helping me remember the why when the how feels challenging.

And that's why I've not only loved working with coaches, as a client, but I love stepping more into this role of being a coach! I love helping others move forward with clarity and support, providing not only encouragement and offering suggestions, but also sharing, teaching, tools for sustainable transformation, tools that can be used for a lifetime.
So I'm thrilled to announce the relaunch of my new and improved Commitment to Wellness program!

I first developed this program in 2007 after my studies at Heartwood and with Paul Pitchford completed, but then I ended up focusing my practice on massage, CranioSacral Therapy, and qigong.

Last winter though, I decided to shift my focus, to change gears and focus more on coaching. And because I want to be the best coach I can be, I even signed up for a 12-month Health Coach training at the Institute for Integrative Nutrition (IIN). I made the commitment.

And as you saw above, I'm more than half way done with this program, which means I'm well-equipped to offer the 6-month program that IIN teaches. Hooray for commitment and dedication!  I've already started working with clients again, and I am ready for more and more than ready!

Are you ready too? Are you ready to clarify and move towards your goals and dreams, to live a happier, healthier, juicier life? If so I have a special offer for you:

Schedule your free initial consultation with me before November 28, and if we decide to move forward as coach and client, you will receive a special relaunch rate!

All you need to do is send me an email to set up a 30-45 minute phone call, and we'll discuss your health and lifestyle goals, what's blocking you, what your next best step is, as well as the details of the Commitment to Wellness program and how I work with my clients.

Let's do this! You can do this.

With Love,
Copyright © 2014 Rebecca Clio Gould and Elemental Harmony, PLLC, All rights reserved.

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