The Step Sisters' mission is to improve the quality of life for those impacted by breast cancer by funding needed support services in Loudoun County and the surrounding community.
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State of the Step Sisters - October 2014

President's Message

Breast Cancer Awareness month is in full swing and this has kept The Step Sisters very busy! We kicked off the month with our 3rd Annual Step Sisters’ Scramble, and spent time at Inova’s Survivor Retreat, meeting some of the women we have directly impacted. Throughout the month, local businesses are holding fundraising events to benefit the Step Sisters, such as teeth whitening, pink hair extensions and fitness classes (see more details below!). The Step Sisters are so thankful to everyone who has reached out to us to help us carry out our mission of funding quality of life services for local breast cancer patients!
Warm Regards,
Angela Fuentes, President

Hospital Partnership

Currently the Step Sisters fund quality of life services to breast cancer patients at Inova Loudoun Hospital.  Because of our successful events and generous donors, we have been able to grow the funds allotted to Inova Loudoun.  We hope to continue to meet the needs at Inova Loudoun and eventually grow to other hospitals in the area. 

Brambleton Ribbon Run

On April 18th we will be holding the 8th Annual Brambleton Ribbon Run 5k-10k Run/Walk & Kids' Fun Run!  Plans are underway and our current efforts are focused on event sponsorship. If you are interested in supporting the event through sponsorship, or know someone who might be, please contact We will continue the tradition of last year's Sharon’s Showcase, in honor and memory of Sharon Iglesias. As with every year, the event cannot succeed without volunteers...please stay tuned for those details. In the meantime, Early Bird registration is already open!

Golf Tourney a Success!

The Step Sisters kicked off breast cancer awareness month with the 3rd Annual Step Sisters’ Scramble presented by Kelly Insurance on October 1, 2014 at Raspberry Falls Golf & Hunt Club, and what a huge success it was! 70 golfers came out for a beautiful day of golf, camaraderie, food and prizes, all while raising around $6K for our organization! Thank you to all participants and sponsors who contributed to the success of this event! We hope you will be joining us again next year!

Community Partnerships

We are fortunate to be partnering with several local businesses during October...Come out and support our organization:

Thank you to our current preferred vendors for helping us carry out our mission!
Cedar Run Landscaping Company
Regal Maid
Reston Limousine
Washington’s Green Grocer

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