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WGNRR Speaks Up! keeps members and partners informed about WGNRR's activities, conferences, resources, funding opportunities, solidarity, etc. It also gives members space to make announcements, request information or share points of view. Your contributions are welcome! Send them to office@wgnrr.org

WGNRR Speaks Up!

September/October 2014
Monthly e-update for partners and members of WGNRR
SRHR Campaigns: Framing the Post-2015 Agenda: SRHR as HR
WGNRR at Global and Regional SRHR Events Women Human Rights Defenders (WHRDs) WGNRR Member in Action

Events, Resources & Opportunities

What's New at WGNRR?

All September WGNRR was busy with preparations and activities for September 28, Global Day of Action for Access to Safe and Legal Abortion. We are delighted with the outcome of the September 28 Campaign as thousands of activists in more than 50 countries spoke out against abortion stigma and demanded access to safe and legal abortion! For an overview of September 28 actions worldwide, please CLICK HERE.

We hope you will enjoy the newsletter!

In solidarity,


SRHR Campaigns

Information about WGNRR's campaigns, allies' campaigns & calls for solidarity
Call for SRHR Youth Advocates!
Young Women’s SRHR International Youth Advocate
Women living with HIV, especially young women, experience significant obstacles when exercising their sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR), and frequently report worldwide abuses and violations of their sexual and reproductive rights, within their families, healthcare settings and communities.

Through the support of Stop AIDS NOW!, ICW and WGNRR are undertaking a joint project in Nigeria. We are looking for interested, committed, and mobilized SRHR and HIV youth advocates from ICW’s Chapter of Young Women and Adolescent Girls (CYWAG) and WGNRR’s member organizations to form a team of 20 national and international youth advocates who will develop and implement a global campaign strategy spring-boarding from the Nigeria case, during
a face-to-face meeting in Abuja, Nigeria, on February 3-4, 2015.

If you are a young woman under 30, from Latin America & the Caribbean, Sub-Saharan Africa, Asia and the Pacific, Eastern Europe, or the Middle East and North Africa, we encourage you to apply!
*Young women living with HIV are strongly encouraged to apply.*

Deadline for all applications: 5:00pm EST November 21, 2014

For more information, please CLICK HERE.
September 28 in El Salvador

To commemorate this past September 28, WGNRR jointly hosted and organized with regional and national partners a panel event in El Salvador, to raise awareness of the human rights violations resulting from the complete ban on abortion in the country. The panel featured a variety of international and local activists and advocates, including Luz Patricia Mejía, Coordinator of the Belém do Pará Convention Follow up Mechanism of the Inter American Commission for Women (MESECVI). The panelists touched upon a variety of issues including abortion stigma, the impact on women’s health resulting from the criminalization of abortion, human rights violations stemming from total ban of abortion in El Salvador, and civil society’s efforts to address these violations,  among others.

Event partners and participants also called for the freedom of “Las 17,” 17 Salvadoran women wrongfully incarcerated on suspicion of having an abortion, some of whom are serving up to 40-year sentences. Following the event, WGNRR Advocacy and Programme Manager Vanessa Coria and Advocacy Officer Lara Cousins, along with Luz Patricia and regional partners, had the opportunity to visit some of the women in prison.   WGNRR Advocacy Officer Lara Cousins recounted the visit: “It was a very, very tough visit.  Women who are imprisoned on suspicion of abortion are treated terribly by other prisoners, as they are seen as “baby killers.”  We chatted the most with Maria Teresa, who is 31 years old, and 3 years into a 40 year sentence, as well as Kenia, who is 19 years old and just began a 30 year sentence. All of the women we spoke with were visibly buoyed by the work that local activists have been doing for Las 17, and definitely seem to take strength from knowing that people are working to help them. Though the visit was a really difficult experience, it was also very moving, and everyone who visited re-committed themselves to advocating for Las 17, and challenging the abortion ban in El Salvador.”
WGNRR Joins Activists Worldwide Calling on Ireland to Ensure Abortion Rights

On October 28, the International Day of Action for Abortion Rights in Ireland, in solidarity with Irish women’s rights activists and in commemoration of the tragic death of Savita Halappanavar, WGNRR delivered a STATEMENT to the Irish Consulate in Metro Manila (Philippines), calling for the repeal of the Eighth Amendment in the Irish Constitution. In equating the right to life of a pregnant woman with that of an embryo or foetus, the Eighth Amendment criminalizes abortion in all cases except where there is a “real and substantial risk” to the woman’s life. However, as the tragic death of Savita demonstrates, this exception does not stop women from dying as a result of being denied access to safe, legal, and affordable abortion services.
Calls for Action and Solidarity
Speak out against Gay 'Cure' in China

Thousands of people in China are suffering in fake clinics that claim they can cure being gay. Sign an online PETITION started by Xiao Zhen, an LGBT activist who was subjected to the gay 'cure', calling on
Dr. Margaret Chan, the head of the World Health Organization, to condemn anti-gay 'cures' and convince China officials to ban them. (Photo credit:
All Out)

Framing the Post-2015 Agenda

WGNRR's work to push  for SRHR in the Post-2015 agenda, as well as helpful information on the New Development Agenda process for SRHR organizations
WGNRR CSW59 Statement

In this year's STATEMENT WGNRR welcomed the Commission's focus on the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action and drew its attention to the unfulfilled sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR) of women and girls, noting that human rights violations stemming from women and girls’ unmet SRHR are unacceptably common worldwide. WGNRR provided recommendations for the agreed conclusions of the CSW59, including reaffirming SRHR as human rights, eradicating all forms of violence and discrimination, and ensuring the incorporation of the Beijing Platform for Action and outcome documents of the Beijing+20 review conferences into the Post-2015 Development Agenda.
States Encouraged to Fulfill their Obligations Regarding Women's Human Rights

WGNRR was among the organisations that supported a STATEMENT drafted by the the Center for Women’s Global Leadership calling on UN Member States to fulfill their human rights obligations toward the full realization of women’s rights. The statement is part of the preparations for the upcoming Commission on the Status of Women (CSW) in March 2015. (Photo credit: SustainUS)
Youth Activists Welcome the ICPD Index Report

The Youth Leadership Working Group (YLWG) wrote a LETTER to the UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-Moon welcoming the ICPD Index Report. In the letter, youth leaders expressed their appreciation for the Report's prioritization of adolescents' SRHR, while calling attention to the Report's lack of emphasis on the strong support for sexual rights shown by numerous CSOs and governments at the 47th CPD. Noting the clear link between the ICPD and the Post-2015 Agenda, youth leaders encouraged the Secretary-General to ensure the inclusion of the important issues and recommendations of the Index Report in his Synthesis Report on Post-2015. As part of the YLWG, WGNRR provided inputs into and endorsed the letter.
UN General Assembly Adopts Resolution on Sustainable Development Goals Report

The resolution paves the way for the incorporation of sustainable development goals (SDGs) into the post-2015 development agenda. In adopting the “Report of the Open Working Group on Sustainable Development Goals established pursuant to General Assembly resolution 66/288” the Assembly decided that the Open Working Group’s outcome document would be the main basis for integrating the SDGs into the future development agenda. The resolution states that other inputs would also be considered during the intergovernmental negotiation process at the upcoming General Assembly session. (Source: UN Department of Economic and Social Affairs)
Resources and Upcoming Events on Post-2015


WGNRR's work to seek recognition of sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR) as human rights (HR). Resolutions, statements, agreements, decision and actions that acknowledge SRHR as HR.
WGNRR Participates in Virtual Dialogue with IACHR Special Rapporteur

The Virtual Dialogue with Tracy Robinson (pictured), the Special Rapporteur on the Rights of Women of the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR), focused on the challenges and progress in the implementation of Belém do Pará Convention over the last 20 years. The Dialogue also had a special focus on the need for the IACHR to address institutional violence and sexual and reproductive rights violations. The Virtual Dialogue, initiated by the Center for Justice and International Law (CEJIL) and moderated by WGNRR's Vanessa Coria, was a part of WGNRR and partners' efforts to advance the women's rights agenda, and draw the attention of international and regional human rights bodies to sexual and reproductive rights violations in the region. (Photo credit: OAS)
Photo credit: Eric Wagner
WGNRR Speaks out Against the Proposed Anti-Gay Bill in Kenya

The proposed bill contains numerous harsh and horrific provisions prohibiting all forms of sexual relations between people of the same sex, among them that any foreigner who commits a homosexual act be stoned in public, while Kenyans committing the same act be jailed for life. In the STATEMENT WGNRR expressed its strong opposition towards the bill as it is in direct violation of international human rights standards and urged the Kenyan Government and the National Assembly to reject it immediately.
UN Adopts a Resolution on Combating Violence and Discrimination against People of Diverse SOGI

The UN Human Rights Council Resolution on Human rights, Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity (A/HRC/27/L.27/Rev.1) is a critically important achievement for protecting the rights of people of diverse sexual orientation and gender identity (SOGI). Asking the High Commissioner for Human Rights to update a 2012 study on violence and discrimination on the basis of SOGI, the Resolution aims to increase the sharing of good practices and ways to overcome violence and discrimination.

WGNRR at Global and Regional SRHR Events

WGNRR actively participates in regional and global events related to WGNRR’s focus areas (youth SRHR, sexual rights, access to safe abortion, and access to contraception) as one of its strategies for advocacy and networking.

Attend the Upcoming 12th International Women & Health Meeting!

The International Women and Health Meeting (IWHM) is an international forum for women’s grassroots organizations, academics, and advocates promoting women’s health, sexual and reproductive rights. The 12th meeting, which is being organised by Colectiva Mujer y Salud with the support of local and international organisations such as WGNRR, will take place on October 20-23, 2015 in Santo Domingo, the Dominican Republic and will mark the 40th anniversary of the event.

The 12th meeting will be a space for women and organisations fighting for women's rights to discuss, analyse, share and reflect on strategies to improve women's health worldwide. For more information, please click HERE and HERE. You can also download event posters in ENGLISH, FRENCH and SPANISH.

Asia-Pacific CSOs Discuss Beijing+20

Marevic Parcon, WGNRR's Asia Programme Officer, participated in a meeting "Promoting Accountability and Addressing Inequalities" in Hanoi, Vietnam organised by Asia Pacific Alliance for Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights (APA) within the context of Beijing+20 Review. Marevic presented the CSOs' perspectives during a panel on the Beijing +20 Review and Linkages with SRHR and Post-2015. (Photo credit: APA)
WGNRR at the Asia-Pacific Advocacy Dialogue

WGNRR participated in the regional advocacy dialogue organised by the Asian-Pacific Resource and Research Centre for Women (ARROW) as part of ARROW's Women's Health and Rights Advocacy Partnership (WHRAP)-South Asia. Over the last 10 years WHRAP has facilitated and contributed to processes aimed at improving quality of life of marginalized women in South Asia through civil society engagement and accountability for health governance. (Photo credit: ARROW)

Women Human Rights Defenders (WHRDs)

Highlights of issues that SRHR activists, advocates and defenders face as a result of their work.
Leyla Yunus Nominated for Nobel Peace Prize

Leyla Yunus is one of Azerbaijan's most prominent women human rights defenders. She is the founder and chair of Azerbaijan's Institute for Peace and Democracy. Her work includes peace initiatives, projects to protect political prisoners, defend women's rights, combat torture, corruption, human trafficking, and property rights violations as well as monitoring court proceedings. Currently Dr Yunus is in prison on charges of treason and other crimes. Hopefully the nomination will help to not only highlight Dr Yunus' work and achievements but also to draw the world's attention to the abominable tactics that the Government of Azerbaijan uses to fight dissent. For more information, please
King of Bahrain Urged to Release a Prominent Bahraini WHRD

was issued in response to the detention of Maryam al-Khawaja, Bahraini woman human rights defender who was arbitrarily detained upon her arrival at Bahrain International Airport. In the appeal, CSOs urged the King Hamad of Bahrain to recognize the legitimate demands of the Bahraini people to their democratic rights and to release all political prisoners, including Maryam al-Khawaja, and cease the oppression of human rights defenders, journalists and civil society organizations. The good news is that after several weeks in detention Maryam al-Khawaja was released from prison but will face charges of assaulting a police officer. (Photo credit: Jean-Marc Ferré)

Newest Episode of Multiple Exposure Released

Multiple Exposure is a monthly video broadcast focusing on human rights defenders at risk and the context of their work. The NEWEST EPISODE presents videos on the ongoing attempt to curtail the space for civil society in Egypt, the fight for LGBTI rights in Brazil and the situation of women human rights defenders in the Middle East and North Africa region.

What's the Point of the Revolution if We Can't Tweet? Women Human Rights Defenders Speak Out

Razan Ghazzawi (Syrian activist and blogger), Nadine Moawad (Lebanese activist, blogger and founder of Take Back the Tech), Kate Kroeger (Executive Director of the Urgent Action Fund) and Mary Lawlor (Executive Director of Front Line Defenders) came together for a lively PANEL on the challenges faced by women human rights defenders and what the international community can do to help.

WGNRR Member in Action

Every month we will feature at least one member organization or individual to facilitate sharing of experiences and information among members and encourage collaboration.
Shirkat Gah - WGNRR member from Pakistan
Originally a small voluntary women’s collective in Pakistan in 1975, Shirkat Gah (WEBSITE, FACEBOOK, TWITTER) has evolved into a leading women’s rights organization in Pakistan. Shirkat Gah is committed to a just, vibrant and democratic society in which women are fully empowered, human rights and dignity are enjoyed equally by all without discrimination, where peace prevails and resources and opportunities are ensured on a sustainable and equitable basis.  

Shirkat Gah works to ensure women’s rights and State’s accountability for equal rights, security, dignity and sustainable and equitable use of resources; advocates for gender equality and social justice both on national and global levels; promotes a culture of peace, democracy and pluralism and resists the use of culture and religion by State and non-State actors to deny women’s rights.

SRHR Landscape in Pakistan
Although over the past three decades Pakistan has made considerable progress in implementing SRHR, progress in some areas has been rather slow. Unsafe abortions are still prevalent; many cannot access family planning services. Because of long distances to health centers, many births are still attended by untrained midwives. Youth’s SRHR is largely missing from the SRHR discourse; stigma associated with youth sexuality prevents young people from accessing SRHR services. Sexuality education policy exists only on paper and has never been implemented by the government. Financial constraints are also a big obstacle as only a fraction of the GDP is allocated to health and population welfare programs.

According to Shirkat Gah religious fundamentalism and cultural conservatism are the two greatest challenges that CSOs and SRHR activists face when advocating for SRHR. SRHR activists continue to face strong opposition from the religious institutions and are often labelled as “foreign agents”.

Current Work
Currently Shirkat Gah is implementing projects that focus on promoting women's rights, reducing incidents of unsafe abortion by challenging abortion stigma and providing women with correct information and access to services
, improving and promoting marginalized women’s SRHR and reducing structural poverty by building and promoting women’s sustained leadership to challenge inequitable structures among others.

Effective Advocacy and Campaigning Strategies
Shirkat Gah sees engagement with decision and policy makers through consultations and policy dialogue as the as the most effective advocacy and campaigning strategies. For example, the recent passage of a bill against early and child marriage was a result of civil society’s continuous engagement with the policy makers. Alliance building with other CSOs, use of traditional and social media are increasingly becoming important tools in advocacy, awareness raising and campaigning.

Events, Resources and Opportunities

Events Resources
Connect with WGNRR in Your Region
If you would like to know more about what’s happening in your region, please coordinate with WGNRR staff in your region:
Africa - Nondo (nondo@wgnrr.org)
Asia Pacific - Marevic (marevic@wgnrr.org)
Europe - Aiste (aiste@wgnrr.org)
Latin America and the Caribbean - Vanessa (vanessa@wgnrr.org)
North America - Lara (lara@wgnrr.org)

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