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17 October - 28 November 2014
Opening 17 October @ 16.00

Please join us for the opening of ceramist Lene Roehrig Kjær's exhibition MARK on the 17th of October. The exhibition takes its starting point in the double meaning of the title MARK. In Danish MARK means field and in English MARK means to make a visible impression in or stain on something.

Lene Roehrig Kjær recently relocated from Copenhagen to the countryside in Lolland with her husband and is now literally living on a field. Her workshop is now side by side with the material she uses most as a ceramist – clay. 

‘As a ceramist I am fascinated to see the mark of mankind in the clay and in the world. When I work with clay as a ceramist, testing the possibilities of that specific material, I am working with the earth itself. I try to immerse myself in the material and disseminate the stories it tells me. I am curious. What is hidden in the earth and clay? Can we talk to the earth and what does it tell us if we listen?

Someone ones told me that: ‘when we die we turn to clay…’ This had a profound impact on me and I started to feel a strong connection with the people of the past that has now turned into clay. I feel their inheritance and wisdom in the clay and I use my hands to transform this and give it a new shape.
The work in this exhibition shows different nodes in my career. The exhibition collects these fragments of time into one comprehensive piece thus marking a new standpoint in my career. The exhibition opens up the clay for the observer to look into, to experience and to create their own understanding of.’

Lene Roehrig Kjær

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