October 19, 2014

9:30 AM

Sabbath Worship

Rev. David Preaching

Celebration of Baptism

Sermon Title: Fifty Cents

Chancel Choir

Childcare is available

Church School

Lead me to you, Blessed Silence.
Take me to the zenith of stillness
Where even my quiet breathing
Sounds a bit noisy to me.
Shatter my fright of what I'll not hear
When there is nothing left to hear.
Gather all my lame, worn-out excuses
For why I must have endless words
In order to draw closer to you.
Do not speak to me. Just be with me. 

Joyce Rupp

Therefore he said he would destroy them—
   had not Moses, his chosen one,
stood in the breach before him,
   to turn away his wrath from destroying them

Psalm 106.23

This prayer by Joyce Rupp and this verse from our sacred scriptures speak to me of two very different ways of engaging and being with God in prayer. Mystics and contemplatives have long spoken of the need to quite our minds and still ourselves so that we can be present to the God who is Presence to us. The Psalmist is recalling Moses' engagement with God on Mt. Sini when he pleaded with God and stood in the breach on behalf of his people.

So how do we pray? Do we sit in silence or do we storm the gates of heaven with ardent verbal prayers of lament, intercession, and anguish? 

The easy answer is both, but it is also the hard answer. The challenge for all of us is to make prayer a practice. For it to be a practice, a time and place needs to be set aside regularly to pray. We live in a day and age where time is perhaps our most valued possession. Work demands our time so we can provide for the needs of life. Our family and friends demand our time so that we give and receive love and nurture.  Our bodies and minds need time so that we are mentally and physically fit. As we slice the day into its many segments, it is a challenge to find time for prayer and spiritual disciplines. 

If your are making time for prayer I urge you to not be overly concerned with how you pray, simply pray as you can. Most of us will have a preferred way of praying that fits our temperament, personality and theological convictions.  What is interesting to me is that to draw close to God, be it in silence or with words, God is always drawing close to us. In the end all prayer is God praying in us and curiously all sincere prayer is of the heart.  

Be with us God in our silence and in our words.

                                                                                             Rev. David


Last week the 2015 Pledge Campaign was officially launched. The theme "Blessed To Be A Blessing" is a phrase rich in meaning for Christians. The words are biblical not only because the phrase comes from Genesis but also because this phrase captures a fundamental idea in all our sacred scriptures, "when we are blessed, we bless, and in blessing, we are twice blessed." 

In the coming weeks the campaign will be the focus of the Stewardship section in the E-Window. In addition Rev. David will be preaching on Christian Stewardship and all members and friends of the church will be provided materials to assist you as you prayerfully consider your pledge. 

This week's reflection is entitled "Circle of Blessing." 

“Ground that drinks up the rain falling on it repeatedly, and that produces a crop useful to those for whom it is cultivated, receives a blessing from God.” (Hebrews 6.7)

The letter to the Hebrews was written to encourage a community whose faith and practice is weakening.  They had been subject to persecution as a result of their faith.  Many were falling away.  Today’s church does not face persecution; rather, we face competition.  You’ve heard the litany of all that competes for our hearts.  We who choose the church are alarmed to see our numbers dwindling.  We are as much in need of encouragement and promise.
Stay open.  Patiently receive God’s goodness, God’s nurture that blesses repeatedly.  Drink it in.  Nourished and prepared, produce an abundant crop of thanksgiving.  You will be blessed.
As you think about how much to give, think about this:  God cultivates you so that “all peoples on earth will be blessed through you”  (Genesis 12:3).  Think about how important that is and give generously.

                                                                                                                The Stewardship Team




October 15, 22

6:30 pm at the church


This two-week course is being offered in response to an inquiry by a church member, "how do I forgive?" I suspect most of us have struggled with forgiveness at one time or another. Obviously, we will not be able to solve or reach a complete understanding of forgiveness in two weeks. Most of us work on forgiveness our whole lives. But it is good to remind ourselves that forgiveness lies at the heart of what we believe as Christians. In two weeks we can consider definitions of forgiveness, its complexity and examine how we live or don't live out forgiveness in our lives together.

This study will also gather together those in the church who find that meeting with others helps them attend to their faith formation. 

This study will also reintroduce us to "The Thoughtful Christian," an ecumenical organization dedicated to helping Christians and seekers understand, share, practice, and be challenged in their faith. 

On the cross Christ not only forgave his enemies; he embodied forgiveness. His saving work makes it possible for us to believe that we are forgiven and that we can forgive each other. 

We do believe this, right?

A Message from Nancy, Faith Formation Leader

What does Intergenerational Mean?
The google definition: relating to, involving, or affecting several generations.

I have been reading a lot about the importance of adopting this word into our faith communities. John Roberto in his book, Faith Formation 2020, says it this way,
" Most churches are intergenerational by membership.Some churches are intentionally intergenerational. They make their intergenerational character a defining feature of their community life, ministries, and programming. These churches make it a priority to foster intergenerational relationships, faith sharing, and storytelling; to incorporate all generations in worship; to develop service projects that involve all ages, and to engage all generations in learning together.For these churches, being intergenerational is a way of life. It is an integral element of their culture. It is who they are! 

Bringing generations together within the church provides benefits and blessings on a variety of levels. Here are just a few:
    - teaches us to care for one another
     -teaches us to value older adults
     -reclaims God's intent for faith to be shared in community and across generations


Avery Bellavance,. a third grader had an event at her home this summer in which she had a restaurant. Avery worked with her mom and planned the special event. Avery approached me at church a few Sundays ago with a gift of $20 which was part of her earnings . She told me to use it for anything the church needed. Since we have been learning about Peace, I talked to her about that $20 going to purchase another "may peace prevail on earth"  plate for our peace pole. She loved this idea and is deciding which language she would like us to get. Each plate is about $25.00. If there are 3 others who would like to donate for another plate please let me know. 

Being Intergenerational Needs God's Offspring

Bringing generations together within the church provides benefits and blessings!

Bingo with a round of Family Feud 

Sunday, October 19 following worship

This is an intergenerational event, an event for ALL AGES!

Coffee hour will include Ice cream sundaes!


 Friday, October 24th

 5 to 6:30 at First Presbyterian Church.

Since we're meeting a week before Halloween, we'll be carving pumpkins (plan to bring a small pumpkin to carve) and play games, including ping pong. We'll have pizza for dinner. See you on Friday the 24th!

A Great Cloud of Witnesses

All Association Worship Service

Sunday, November 2, 2014

11:00 AM

Barre Opera House

Guest Preacher: Willem Lange

Association Choir

Childcare for children under six

All other children and youth welcome to worship



Knitting Ministry is starting back up again  Thursday October 16th at 1:00pm. You don’t need to be an experienced knitter to join us all are welcome. 

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Facebook Page


Church Calendar

Thursday 10/16

7:15 am Centering Prayer
1:00 pm Knitting Ministry
6:15 pm Chancel Bells
6:30 pm Scouts
7:30 pm Chancel Choir

Saturday 10/18
8:00 am  Breakfast 
8:00 pm  AA

Sunday 10/19

9:30 am SabbathWorship, Sacrament of Baptism
10:30 pm Bingo 

Monday 10/20
8:00 am Strong Living
1:00 pm Wood Carvers
6:00 pm  AA

Tuesday 10/21
7:00 am Breakfast
7:15 am Centering Prayer
6:30 pm Finance Ministry

Wednesday 10/22

8:00 am Strong Living
6:30 pm Adult Study on Forgiveness

Thursday 10/23
7:15 am Centering Prayer

6:15 pm Chancel Bell Ringers
6:30 pm Boy Scouts
7:30 pm Chancel Choir


Daily Devotional

October 15, 2014

Fall Wednesday

Showing up Empty-Handed
Matt Laney

Jesus said to them, "You give them something to eat." They said, "We have no more than five loaves and two fish—unless we are to go and buy food for all these people." For there were about five thousand. - Luke 9:13-14

Jesus was obviously dealing with his finance subcommittee. Five loaves and two fish for five thousand people? Get real, Jesus.

I know how they feel. Part of me prefers to sidestep the mysterious metrics of this story by turning it into a lesson about sharing. Here's "what really happened": When Jesus gave a small bit of food to such a big crowd it triggered a chain reaction of generosity, inspiring everyone to share whatever food they had with them. After all, we know some of those folks were moms. And moms always pack snacks. Case closed. 

We like this explanation not only because it is as warm and familiar as a church potluck, but also because we shudder at the idea of receiving such overflowing hospitality with nothing to contribute of our own. We've been taught to earn our keep, pay our way and not show up for a dinner party empty-handed. 

Sure, great things can happen when we combine, instead of hoard, our resources. But for me, this story is about something else. It's about a God who gives to us what we cannot give to ourselves or even to one another: unlimited grace. 


Bread of heaven, feed me ‘til I want no more. Amen.


Matt Laney 2014 ABOUT THE AUTHOR
Matthew Laney is the Senior Minister of Asylum Hill Congregational Church, UCC, in Hartford, Connecticut.
Please send us any prayer requests or celebrations you would like to have in this section of our weekly E-Window.

-Drew Bernier 
         who is in Boston Children's Hospital. He was moved from ICU this past week.   Drew is a very strong little boy and needs our prayers for continued healing.

-Jarrett Whaples
        as he continues to heal from an accident. He is planning on being home very soon.
-Hallie Bellavance
         as she undergoes another surgery in Chicago Thursday
-Karen Agnew
       battling cancer

-Grace Peterson
       battling cancer 

-Ebola crisis in the world
-Peace in the Middle East

-All those struggling with addiction, mental illness, pain, trauma, abuse, poverty, homelessness, heartache, grief, and depression.


Sherry and Don Singer winning the gas grill!
Rossie and Rick Conklin winning the Stowe get away!
Anita Friot winning the recliner!
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Have you considered remembering the Barre Congregational Church, UCC in your will? You could leave a lasting legacy which would support the good works of our church. 


Barre Congregational Church Website has links to other  devotional sites as well as links to the UCC and Vermont Conference

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