Wise Introvert Newsletter - October 23, 2014
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A Warm Hello from Wise Introvert! 

I've been thinking about success and simplicity a lot lately, especially as the end of another year comes closer. It's been a busy year in my business - I've realized that I'm feeling tired. 

And that's how I came to write last week's blog post - Can You Have it All? Thinking Differently. I think it's easy to get caught up in always trying to be, do and have more. In the attempt to "have it all", I know that I have lost track of what it is that I really wanted. So I think there's a shift in thinking required - before we all burn out.

And that's where the Bruce Elkin quote comes in for me. When you're trying to be, do, and have more, I think it's easy to get caught up in addressing/solving the problems - the stuff you have to overcome in order to move on to the next step/level.

In business development, that includes honing your services, gaining a broader audience to engage in your content, growing your community, and finding more paying clients. All of this can easily be viewed with a lack mentality. In other words, we don't have enough so we need to solve the problems we face in each area to free ourselves to move forward and achieve more.

Trying to accomplish all of that while remaining true to yourself and what ultimately matters at the end of the day is challenging. That's why actively creating versus simply reacting is so powerful. One is powered by vision (forward looking), the other by resistance (and looking behind). Is it possible to have both simplicity and success? Yes, I believe so...and I'm trusting my intuition to guide me on that path. 

For more on the topic of success, let me introduce this week's guest contributor, fellow introvert and writer, Julie Gorges. I met Julie through The Women of Facebook (a closed group that you may be interested in joining). I have only 'known' her virtually - but I always look forward to reading her blog posts for practical wisdom (and usually a smile).

Understanding that introverts can do whatever they choose, Julie
's "so what" philosophy is refreshing. Introversion certainly hasn't held her back from a very successful (and award winning) writing career.  

We all want to feel successful...it's important to remember that you get to choose what that looks like for YOU.

Read on for more wisdom from Julie Gorges and learn her three tips for introvert success.


Be Brave. Be Seen. Be True.

Sending positive energy your way,

Marla Hunter-Bellavia
Your Wise Introvert Coach & Mentor

Wisdom Community: Introverted Women in Business

My work is about investing in women - introverted women in particular.

So I'm excited to be collaborating with some amazing introvert solopreneurs to create this section of the newsletter. 

You'll receive words of wisdom, inspiration and the occasional special offer from ordinary introverts - just like you and me - who decided to start a business and gather the courage to put themselves out there to be seen in a bigger way.

And there will likely be a bit of myth busting along the way; seeing beyond the stereotypes of what introversion "looks like". 

The goal? Introverted women supporting and inspiring each other to create authentic success in life and work. It's a quiet yet powerful form of positive community building. 

I encourage you to both tap into the wisdom of these introverted women AND support them by following their newsletters and/or social media and sharing their info with your friends. Fellow introverts, let's help each other...

In this issue, I'm thrilled to feature the wisdom of fellow introvert, Julie Gorges - Author, Freelance Writer, and Blogger at Baby Boomer Bliss.


How to Be a Successful Introvert

I’m a professional writer. Like many people in this business, I’m a quiet and thoughtful introvert. 

Since writers spend hours alone in their office writing on their computers, you might think I found the perfect career. While that’s true, I don’t spend all my time writing or in quiet introspection.

For three years, I worked as a newspaper reporter. Just imagine – working side-by-side with a team of writers, interviewing people, and attending City Council meetings. Yikes!

Then I wrote a book and the publisher expected me to go out there and promote it like crazy. This included (gasp!) public speaking, book signings, and seminars. 

But guess what? I was able to get through these uncomfortable situations and find success in my career. How?


Here are a few simple tips: 

Concentrate on Your Strengths

Self-confidence is essential. When I was younger, I was jealous of my father and sister who were outgoing and loved to be with people. But I came to realize that being reserved is not necessarily a bad thing. We have qualities that extroverts haven’t quite mastered yet. 

So what if my social skills and small talk aren’t the best in town? My need to prepare, do thorough research, and give careful thought prior to interviews helped me win a few journalism awards. My tendency to mull things over, to slowly digest information, and reflect on matters proved to be a great asset in my writing career. 

And guess what? Just because you’re an introvert doesn’t mean you can’t give fantastic speeches, teach at seminars, and chat with customers at book signings. You can do anything! Just plan a quiet, restful day to recuperate afterwards.

Use Technology to Your Benefit

Thank-goodness for texting and e-mail. So much better than phone calls! A few of my clients still want to talk on the phone or Skype, but thankfully many of our conversations take place in a low-key, friendly way that is not too over-stimulating over the Internet.

In fact, technology is a fantastic tool for introverts. Social networking has made it easier to promote yourself without the old-fashioned energy-draining networking. Facebook and Twitter is easier than face-to-face meetings and can break the ice if you must connect later at meetings or events. My blog is a great way to promote my skills and reach out to people to help them get to know me.

Online no one knows I’m an introvert. (Well, maybe they do now after writing this article, but then again, so what?) 

Just Smile

My last tip is short and sweet. Use humor to overcome perceptions of being distant, standoffish, or overly serious. Smile and laugh more. As Victor Borge, once said, “A smile is the shortest distance between two people.”

So there you go. Whether you’re a writer like me or in another profession, use these three easy tips and enjoy the success that is sure to follow!

Baby Boomer Bliss: Helping Boomers Find the Key to Happiness

Want more happiness tips? 

Check out Julie Gorges’ inspirational yet practical blog, www.babyboomerbliss.net, where you'll find down to earth introvert wisdom with a bit of humour mixed in (some great quotes too). 

Sign up to receive a Happiness Tip in your inbox each week.

Julie Gorges is the author of three books (currently working on book four), has had hundreds of articles published in national and regional magazines and newspapers, and is a member of the Authors Guild.

Follow Julie on:
Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/julieagorges 
Twitter at https://twitter.com/JulieGorges

Marla Recommends:


This week's recommendations follow the theme of success and happiness.

Of course, I recommend that you follow Julie's tips and check out her blog for more. 

Here are a couple good books I'm currently reading on the topic:

Simplicity and Success: Creating the Life You Long For by Bruce Elkin (mentioned in the newsletter intro): "Driven by vision, grounded in reality, and focused on results, this simple yet powerful approach will help you simplify and integrate your life and work."

This is not a new book, but I think its message is timeless. I remember reading it years ago when I was doing organizational consulting and focusing on a lot of strategic planning work. Now I'm reading it with a new perspective. I love that about books - different messages jump out at you at different stages of your life. 


The Happiness of Pursuit: Finding the Quest That Will Bring Purpose to Your Life by Chris Guillebeau:
I love Chris' work (he's a fellow introvert too) and first "discovered" him through the Art of Noncomformity website. His Brief Guide to World Domination 
(published in 2008) is what first drew me in.  

In this book, you'll read about the power of a quest to create meaning, purpose and happiness. Numerous stories of people who have lived it will inspire you. Lesson learned will help you to start your own quest (no matter how small it is to start).

What I appreciated was how Chris categorized the quests (athletic, activism, creative, documentation, exploration, self-discovery etc.) which turned on a light for me in terms of finding a "home" for my own journey.

Definitely worth adding to your reading list (I borrow everything through my public library!).

Did You Miss a Blog Post?

Thoughts on Introverts and Teamwork - The thought of teamwork can be a bit of a nightmare for some introverts. I’m one of them. I have come to soften my thinking - and believe that introverts and teamwork can be a successful combination. Like most things, it's a matter of finding the right fit for YOU.

Are You Willing to Let Go of Making the Right Decision? - Bringing back this popular post. I’m nudging you to give yourself permission to forget about what the plan was, or what you thought you would have or be doing by this point in your life. Forget about what anyone else wants for you or expects of you. Choose genuine happiness.

Midlife Career Reflection: What Am I Working For? - Midlife is a time to focus on your freedom. Not to drearily count down the days until you can finally retire and start living the life you really want. You deserve to be happy now.

Read older posts here...

A Parting Thought:

If you find that you need some clarity, courage, support, and accountability to shift gears toward what you prefer in your life/work, I invite you to contact me to see if the Wise Focus (1 month) personal coaching option is a fit for you.

(Special pricing is in effect for the remainder of 2014, limited spots available).

Your month of 'just you and me' coaching will be intensely focused on getting more clarity on one challenge or opportunity quickly (let's say you have a quest in mind that you're ready to start). It's a way to help you get focused on the "how" so you can start taking action. We'll do most of this by email for your convenience.

And keep watching because I'm excited to be in the process of creating online training packages for you. 
Send me an email. I'd love to hear your feedback and ideas for upcoming topics so that I can better serve you.
Wise Introvert - Coaching for Introverts. A little hot pink for the excitement of possibility while remaining grounded in our introvert truth. Taking authentic and inspired action.
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