Ascension Mastery Update from Walking Terra Christa

Walking Terra Christa

Oct 14, 2014 03:29 pm |

City of Divine Intentions ~ Decree


The Golden City of Flanansheea

(Residing in the 5th Dimensional Earth over Edmonton, Alberta, Canada)


I am working with Lord Metatron,

To assist me in understanding my Soul Body of Light;

He has urged me to travel to the Golden City of Flanansheea,

Which resides over Edmonton, Alberta, Canada in the 5th Dimensional Earth.


This city is represented by Lord Enoch and Lord Maitreya;

I have been guided to work with Lord Enoch on this occasion;

Lord Enoch is a special being of Light,

But is also an aspect of Lord Metatron.


Metatron shared with me,

That I would learn the basics of understanding my soul body of light with Enoch;

As this city represents the 5th Dimensional Divine Intent.


I can see by the beauty of the landscape,

That the energies truly do show an essence of majestic quality,

That I truly desire to find within myself.


I feel the pure essence of the Pink-Gold,

As it truly represents the Divine Essence of God’s Light,


I am met by Lord Enoch,

His energies are with pure intent,

With a sense of gentleness within him.

We walk together,

As we share with one another,

He asks me where I am on my journey,

As he told me it is important to understand the old from the new.


I ponder this for a moment,

And realize I have had many of these moments in my recent past.


He then shared with me,

That this is the process of Divine Mastery,

Understanding who you are,

By accepting where you have come from,

Then you can embrace the Being that you are transforming into.


I am excited and nervous,

About my new quest within the City of Flanansheea,

I feel my physical body,

Quivering with anticipation,

Of allowing

My I AM Presence to fully be within me.


I feel it on all levels of my creation,

And allow the flow,

Of the Christed Being I AM,

To be fully manifested,

Within my pathway of light.


I AM that I AM that I AM


©2012-2014 Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery by Rev. Christine Meleriessee and Rev. J. Michael Hayden (Ara).  Permission to repost this information electronically on your non-commercial website or blog is granted as long as you include this copyright statement and the following referral links.  Use for commercial websites, blogs and printed or written reproduction requires written permission.

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Oct 14, 2014 02:56 pm |

Understanding the Mastery Pathway ~ Lord Adama

pathway forest1Blessings My Children ~  Blessings.

Hello ~  Hello ~  Hello

This is I, Lord Adama with the Telosian Council of Light.

Aluna,  Aluna,  Aluna.

It is our pleasure to start a new level of instruction/teaching incorporation of Light frequencies as we work with Lord Metatron this month.

I think this is going to be very exciting for everyone because it’s important for us to reflect within ourselves through these beautiful teachings that are coming through into what we are experiencing presently.

As always, we must remember that everything that you are experiencing is because of what you are doing on the Higher Planes of Existence.  So the changes that you are going through along with the incorporations of your Light Body being more fully accepted within your Physical Body is all part of the process.

As we stand now within the frequencies of the Equinox that brought us forth into this state of mind, this state of conditioning, its important for each of us to fully understand that what we are going through individually.  I say we, because in Telos we also go through these elements; not to the extent that you are because of course we are already in that higher frequency of dimensional existence and each of you are trying to become more attuned to it.

So in these moments, it probably is very powerful within your consciousness of what you are experiencing due to the influx of the Equinox energies.  There was more Light frequency brought into the planet at this time.

So what happens to the debris that is within the planet?  Does it just go into the Light?  Sometimes it does, but other times it does not; so there becomes this struggle.  There are certain areas within the planet that are doing more of the struggle than others.

This is also representative of each of you; that whatever the frequency that you are bringing into yourself for your meditations, chanting, acceleration, that those particles of debris must be released as you experienced within the teaching on Monday evening with Arcturus and Virginia.  That was a very, very powerful energetic exchange.  Many of you were affected in various ways.  Some of you may not even realize to the depth that you were affected.

When you sit in this space through your breath and allow the energies to come into your existence; you are surrendering.  You are surrendering your physical self to be more than it has been previously.  You are allowing yourself to go into a depth that is beyond the comprehension of your Lower Mind, but it is within the existence of your Higher Mind.  So within that moment, the physical self is in between both worlds.  So afterwards what happens is those frequencies of Light that come into you as the Violet Flame did the other evening, it then has to go into areas that need to be shifted and changed.  Many times this does not have to be something conscious.  It is within your accessibility to allow the surrendering process to occur and to accept those changes that are trying to integrate within you.

But the debris, the pockets of elements must be removed.  Part of that might just be not accepting a process you are going through.  Even though you think that you are in your intellectual mind, it must be done in all systems of the body.  The more acceleration that you have within your body, the more levels it has to get through.

You see, some individuals may think that Ascension beyond the 7th Initiation becomes easier.  In fact, this is not so.  Those levels of Initiations of the Dimensional Frequencies are at a higher level.  So if something is still within a lower level, which at times it can be and it can be very miniscule, the energy must go to that particle to change that thought process or that feeling that may be going within the mindset.  At that point, your minds are all one mind.  So there is no difference between the Subconscious, the Conscious, and the Superconscious; they are all inner working within each other.  So the effect of what is occurring comes up quicker and faster through this process.  Some of you on the lower Initiations, it may take you awhile to comprehend what you have gone through.

So the process that we are trying to assist you with within the new format we are giving is to ascertain what a specific Being of Light represents.  Lord Metatron represents a Golden Solar Angel, Angelic Body.  What does that mean?  That is what he is going to share in some of his teachings.

So his Essence of being Enoch is a component of Whom He Is now.  He has asked Meleriessee to work through this City tonight because he wants to help each of you to accept your thought processes of what you think a 5th Dimension means for you.  This can be something that is not easy to grasp because if you were still working within the lower mental faculties there will be interruption and you truly will not receive the totality of Whom You Are becoming.

So we are hoping in this phase with Lord Metatron that each of you will understand yourself in a deeper level.  Because isn’t it true that the more that we understand, the more we can accept?  It is when it becomes a confusing matter that we cannot grasp the process that we are undergoing.

Even though each of you are working within your Higher Essence through your dream state on the Inner Plane level, then when you awaken those elements that don’t fit Whom You Were in that split manner of seconds of becoming physical is probably the most difficult time to understand what you are going through.  That’s why we suggest the clearing, the showers, the baths, the saging, and reflecting within your own I AM Presence and bring that fully into your physical body.

This City represents the ability to do that.  Consistently tap into what your intentions should be and make a list within yourself.  Sit down and make a list of elements that need to be changed within your Physical existence, your Emotional and your Mental existence.

What parts of yourself do not fit the capacity to hold that 5th Dimension within your Full Body System?

It’s not just about higher frequencies, about higher acceleration.  Many individuals think that if they just fully do the higher accelerations and allow those energies, then that’s all they have to do; that their Higher Self is going to take care of everything and everything will be purified.

I think all of you understand that this is not true because when that happens, then it filters down into your Physical, your Consciousness.

When you awaken, how do you feel about yourself?

How do you feel during your day?

Is there something that triggers an element within yourself that is not of that 5th Dimensional Divine Intention?

That Divinity is your I AM Presence, is your Higher Self because in the physical existence that is not Whom You Are.  You know that, but yet sometimes it’s very difficult to get out of that process that the lower energies can compound upon each of us individually.

What this means is, as you are going through the transformation, as you’re transmuting and transforming yourself, there are going to be many steps along the way.  It does not happen immediately.  If you are lucky enough to get to the 7th Initiation, it doesn’t stop there.  The responsibility for your own Self becomes stronger.  You find that you have to do more for yourself than you did before because the lower energies can interact within you in a way that will totally spiral you back down to a lower Initiation.  It doesn’t mean you have to stay there for a long time, but it just means that you have to remember what it was like.

So as we take you through this journey, through this month, we truly want to prepare you.  So this is why we are going to this City this evening.  As I believe Lord Enoch can really assist in the process of helping you to understand what you are going through.

I cannot reiterate enough, it’s important to process this work.  It’s important to be conscious of what you are experiencing.  Go back to the recordings again and sit and write what is happening to you physically.  When you reach the higher Initiations, you won’t have to write as much because it will just come automatically and for you to be able to understand the process that you are undergoing.  But at these lower stages, it is imperative to have a journal, to write in that journal every day, maybe even make certain specific affirmations for yourself or to look at where you need to go back to with the material that we have given you.

I want to reiterate this information, because it is a very special Program.  This is a Program to assist every student to go deeper into themselves.  You are being given a lot of information and a lot of material.  You can’t be expected to process it in one 90 minute session.  It’s not going to change your life that much until you take the time in the next few days to reiterate what you have experienced and look at it and see how it affected you.

What have you done with it?

Are you ready to go to the next stage?

That is why we have given you some material and we are going to be giving you more.

I hope each of you will take advantage of this because it is truly a huge gift.  I want to share as much as a can to help each of you understand yourself even more.  As it is not only assisting you, it’s assisting the planet and each of us.  Then in turn, your acceleration will go much faster and on a much deeper level.  You will be able to look at it one day and say “Wow!  I am very thankful that I did it that way.”  Otherwise, I guarantee you it will take you double, triple, quadruple the time that it will do by applying these teachings in your physical world.

So that is why our program is being more directive to each of these Beings.  So we honor Lord Metatron.

Let’s get started with the energies for this evening.

Just breathe deeply.  Think about what I have said and think about what you need to look at as you go into this City.

Your Brother in Telos,

Lord Adama, High Priest of Telos

Lord Adama is the Academy Chancellor for Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery.  He works through Rev. Meleriessee in a highly attuned state to guide WTC of which programs need to be provided for individuals that are interested in learning more about living in a 5th Dimensional world.  He is the guiding light for all that we provide on Walking Terra Christa investing much time and energy in creating powerful classes, meditations, while giving assistance to each student that participates.

Excerpted from the New Earth Consciousness-Circle of Light, Wednesday evening class.

©2012-2014 Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery by Rev. Christine Meleriessee and Rev. J. Michael Hayden (Ara).  Permission to repost this information electronically on your non-commercial website or blog is granted as long as you include this copyright statement and the following referral links.  Use for commercial websites, blogs and printed or written reproduction requires written permission.

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