News from the Central Texas Regional Mobility Authority 
October 2014
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Global Transportation Leaders Convene in Austin

Mobility Authority projects were in the international spotlight in September as nearly 1000 global transportation leaders converged on Austin for the tolling industry’s largest annual gathering. The Mobility Authority and TxDOT co-hosted the 82nd Annual Meeting & Exhibition of the International Bridge, Tunnel and Turnpike Association (IBTTA). Tolling industry leaders from 16 countries and the U.S. toured Mobility Authority projects and discussed best practices, innovative policies, new technologies, funding options and business models for transforming mobility for drivers worldwide.

Executive Director & IBTTA President Mike Heiligenstein welcomes IBTTA Annual Meeting attendees.

In addition to facilitating the exchange of ideas among industry leaders, the IBTTA conference provided an opportunity for the Mobility Authority to showcase progress made over the past decade, as well as potential for the future. Watch this video which highlights some key milestones:

In conjunction with the meeting, HNTB Corporation announced the results of a new national tolling survey that included Texan’s views of tolling. According to the America THINKS survey, close to 3 in 4 (73 percent) Texans who regularly drive on roads or bridges with tolls are pleased with the value they receive for the fare paid. Fewer drivers on toll roads or bridges across the nation (65 percent) are satisfied with the value they get for the toll they pay.
In fact, more than 4 in 5 (85 percent) Texans also could be influenced to use toll roads more often. Top motivators for those who would use toll roads more in reaching their destination more quickly include, if the toll road made their travel time faster and more reliable (73 percent) and if it helped them avoid traffic (71 percent). Improving infrastructure also is a driving force, as nearly half (49 percent) would use toll roads more if they knew the money was going toward a worthwhile transportation cause, such as roadway repairs, new roads or improved local public transit.

Using Technology to Drive a Better Austin

The Mobility Authority and Metropia Announce Launch of Innovative Mobile App

The Mobility Authority, in partnership with Metropia, recently launched the beta test of an innovative mobile app aimed at easing roadway congestion. The advanced traffic demand management solution optimizes the use of cities’ existing transportation grids, using an incentive-based approach to improve mobility.
More than just an app, Metropia makes commuting easy with real-time trip predictions, route mapping, voice navigation and pre-trip alerts. Commuters earn rewards like gift cards and free coffee simply by making smarter transportation choices that get them to their destinations faster. The app, which is being developed as part of the MoPac Improvement Project, will provide navigation options for drivers during construction on the project, while providing enhanced mobility options to drivers across Central Texas. To learn more about Metropia and sign up for beta testing, visit

Why Tolling? An Interview with Mike Heiligenstein

Tolling is relatively new to Central Texas. And as Mobility Authority Executive Director Mike Heiligenstein explains in his latest video blog, more drivers are embracing tolling as they realize the many advantages it gives them: reliable commutes, faster road construction and economic development. Visit Mike’s Mobility Matters blog to watch.

"Carmapool" on Mobility Week & Get a Free Breakfast

Mobility Week is October 20-24. There are a variety of ways you can help reduce traffic in Central Texas. Try carpooling, public transit, telecommuting, biking or any other option. Our partner, Carma, is offering Mobility Week Specials:
  • Sign up for Carma Carpooling & get a $5 credit instantly
  • Refer a friend and you both get $10 when they take their first Carmapool
  • When you complete your 25th Carmapool, Carma will gift you $25!
Carma is treating downtown commuters to FREE breakfast that week! Stop by Whole Foods downtown on Friday October 24, 7:30 – 9:30am. Click to learn more.


This is a great time to try an alternate commute such as riding the bus, carpooling, vanpooling, walking, or biking. You can save money, help keep our air cleaner, and have a chance to win great prizes in the Commute Solutions Commuter Contest. From October 6 – 17, simply go online to log your biking, walking, transit, vanpool, carpool, or teleworking trips for a chance to win one of six great prizes, including a Kindle, iPod Nano, and a bicycling backpack. Click on:



Express Lane construction on the MoPac Improvement Project is moving forward with an expected opening in late 2015. Construction speed limits on the project north of US 183 are planned to be adjusted to 65 mph. We urge drivers to proceed with caution at all times regardless of the posted speed limit. Visit www.mopacexpress for the latest updates.

183A Frontage Lane Resurfacing
Work continues on an asphalt maintenance project on the north and south  bound frontage lanes of 183A in Williamson County. The project will remove and replace the top two  inches of the 18-inch thick pavement along the frontage roads. The resurfacing process is expected to be finished by the end of October 2014. While some work will occur at night to minimize disrupting traffic, motorists should be aware of daytime lane closures during the construction period.

Maha Loop Will Ease Congestion in East Travis County
Construction crews are making progress on the two-mile Maha Loop project in eastern Travis County. The Mobility Authority is constructing the non-tolled project for Travis County. The three-lane roadway will provide new mobility options between Pierce Lane and State Highway 71, and will ease congestion during special events in the area. The improved roadway is expected to open in February, 2015.
Construction to Start Soon on 183A/US 183 Intersection
The Mobility Authority will soon break ground on a construction project designed to improve the intersection of 183A and US 183. The nine-month project is scheduled to start in November. The project will improve drivers’ ability to navigate the intersection and will allow for better access to future development along 183A. In order to minimize traffic disruptions, a portion of the work will occur at night. However, motorists should anticipate potential daytime lane closures until the work is completed in August 2015.


Oak Hill Parkway Design Concepts Move Forward


Following extensive community outreach and feedback, the Mobility Authority and TxDOT have advanced two design concepts to move forward in the next phase of the Oak Hill Parkway Environmental Study. Visit to learn more about plans to reduce congestion at “the Y” – the intersection of US 290 and SH 71.

Neighborhood and area community stakeholders are invited to attend an Oct. 9 Context Sensitive Solutions Workshop to provide feedback on aesthetic features that could be incorporated into the project. Click here to learn more and to participate in an online workshop after Oct. 9.

Bergstrom Expressway Closer to Design Phase

Pending the outcome of the Environmental Study on the Bergstrom Expressway Project, The Mobility Authority has initiated the procurement process to engage a construction firm to design and build a 7.2 mile tolled and non-tolled roadway on the 183 South Corridor between US 290 and SH 71. Learn more at


Click the links below to get the latest information on other mobility improvement projects we’re working on across Central Texas.
www.mopacsouth. com

Save 25 percent on 183A, the Manor Expressway and other toll roads with TxTag.

Learn more, sign up or manage your account here.


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(512) 996-9778

3300 N. IH-35
Suite 300
Austin, Texas 78705


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