
100% with…


On Sunday I was shopping at Nordstrom where customer service is still alive and well.  I was waiting to speak to the manager in the cosmetic department with one person ahead of me.  As I waited I was absorbed in this manager’s full presence.  The woman she was working with had her undivided attention.  She listened attentively to what the woman wanted as if she was the only person in the room. She was completely available to her.  She was relaxed and not pulled by other people trying to get her attention.  It was clear the customer was her priority.  Another sales person interrupted her a couple times and she graciously handled their requests while staying consciously aware of her first commitment—her customer.  She had a clear intention to “be” with her.


When it was my turn she thanked me for my patience and I in turn thanked her for her impressive focus and attention on her customer.  We talked a bit about the importance of being of service without distraction and how Nordstrom trains their staff to focus on the needs of their customers as their first order of business. 


I was humbled by her attitude and her being 100% with me.  There was no impatience.  She was there fully for me.  So I asked myself how do I carry out that same impressive customer service attitude with myself?  Is my caring and service to myself my first order of business?  Am I my own priority?  Am I honestly being 100% with myself and treating myself with patience and focus?  Or am I rushing to the next appointment, skipping lunch, half reading emails thinking I don’t have time to read it all and then missing key information?  If I get distracted momentarily do I return to serve myself?  What is my commitment to myself? 


The airlines ask parents to put their own oxygen mask on first before assisting their child.  Am I giving myself my own support first so I can actually be of service to another? 


I invite you to look at how you are treating yourself first.  Ask yourself…how am I managing myself during my day?  As I work am I staying with myself or do I go off on rabbit trails, or allow myself to get pulled into the world’s distractions, irritation levels, politics of the environment etc.?  Do I give myself the focus I deserve?  Can I stay 100% with my own attention?


I know if I am 100% with myself then others around me (colleagues, boss, staff, friends, family and even strangers) receive the benefit.  


We all deserve the caring of being 100% with ourselves and others. 


Martha Invitations

1.  Practice the 100% with version of serving yourself during the day.

2.  Observe how you treat yourself as you work. 

3.  Ask yourself if you are putting your needs first so you can truly serve colleagues and staff. 


Martha Treats, created by Martha Ringer, is distributed to clients and guests.  Comments and suggestions are welcomed, new guests too.


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