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Still Eagle
WE'RE (still) MOVING!
Our fall make-over is moving mountains, removing barriers, and reaching new levels.

Still Eagle's fall makeover includes at least 8 big moves - up, down & around!
After a busy summer, we're taking advantage of the October/November slowdown to work on Still Eagle's inner self - with several projects that:
   - smooth out our store layout,
   - optimize our space and
   - make more room for great new stock.

For those of you who don't live close enough to visit us in person, we hope that these photos will give you a taste of what our local customers experience when they come by!
Sleeker, smaller till

We've rearranged our till to about half its original size. More room for the important people on the other side - you.
More access to the basement
Did you know we had a basement...with almost as much selection as we have on the main floor? Many people didn't - so we opened up the second stairway at the front of the store.
It's worth the trip - you'll find lots of sale items, and NEW lines! (Watch for our next newsletter to find out what)
New bag area
The stairwell landing is now home to our selection of Sativa Bags - handbags, packs, briefcases and wallets made of hemp.

A changed change room

We literally turned one of our modular change rooms upside down to create a new display area at the back of the store.
It's full of organic Coyuchi bedding (throws, duvet covers, shams, towels and pillow cases - all at 25% or 50% off.

Brighter change rooms

The same move opened up access to our change rooms - they're now brighter, less crowded, and more accessible.

Our new men's section

 We've transformed our ground-level office into a section for men 's clothing and accessories. Click here for a previous summary of what you'll find in our new "man cave". (Also check out our men's section online!)

A whole new level

The space above our stairwell is being transformed into more useable space. It's close to completion this week.

Drop in and check out our new moves!

PLUS -- stay tuned to find out what exciting new stock is going into all the new spaces we've opened up.

Oct 28, 2014

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