Helping You Grow Personally and Professionally
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Monday Morning Motivation (Oct 27, 2014)


Sharing Resources to Help You Grow Personally, Professionally & Financially

Sometimes it helps to get a little dose of encouragement -- along with a good cup of coffee! -- to start the day.  Hopefully the message below will help you get off to a good start for the week.  

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Affirmations and Aspirations

Affirmations are probably the most powerful things available to change our reality.

An affirmation is a personal, positive statement about who we are or what we do.  Two keys here.  The first is "personal" and the second is "positive statement".  A couple of examples:

  • I spend time each and every day to exercise to better my physical well being.
  • I watch what I say at all times and avoid passing judgment on others.

They are very brief, very easy to understand, and can be very powerful.

Aspirations are those lofty goals and ideal visions that dance around your head during those "what if", "if only", or "I would love to be able to say that" moments.  Those things like "I would love to be able to retire at 40".  "I would love to be able to play the piano".  "I would love to be a great speaker".

You can actually look at them as the "fuel" for your "affirmations". 

An example. 

Suppose you are thinking "I would love to be able to run a marathon".  You dream about it, talk about it, and generally really want to do it.  That is your mind telling you that you need to take action.  And the mind is very persistent -- even down right annoying on occasion! 

If your mind is speaking to you with the "I would really love to" message, that is an aspiration that you need to start pursuing.  That is when you turn to our friend the affirmation. 

Back to our marathon idea, you convert from the aspiration of "I would love to be able to run a marathon" to the affirmation of "I have a training plan to run a marathon that I follow each day".  Step 1.  Step 2.  

That brings us to today's question:

  • Have you taken the time to write down your biggest aspiration and  the corresponding affirmation?

You might be surprised at how much the simple act of committing your aspirations and affirmations can have on your ability to achieve your goals.


Your feedback and ideas are always welcome.  If you have a topic you'd like to hear more about let me know.  similarly, if you have something you would like me to share with others, I always welcome ideasThanks for your time and support.


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