Back to Troop Rocks!
Fall activities for your girls.

Resources for Troop Leaders

  1. 4HER Program Build family support for your troop and make life easier! Check out this toolkit to get parents and families involved this year in Girl Scouting. More >
  2. Earn money for your troop with Product Sales It is not too late for your troop to participate in the Fall Product Sale Program. More >
  3.  November 15 (Keller) and November 22 (Arlington): Get ready for the cookie sale with Cookie University Hands on activities teach selling techniques, how to have a successful booth sale, safety tips, as well as the importance of setting goals and marketing.  More > 
  4. Need a letter to open a troop bank account? This letter allows you to open, close or add/delete a signer for a troop bank account. To get your letter, use the online form.  Once verified that you have met all the requirements a bank letter will be emailed to you within 1 week.
    Requirements for opening a bank account.
    - Troop must be registered with at least 2 adults and 5 girls
    - Two authorized signers – registered adult Girl Scouts, and not from the same family.
    - Signers must have a criminal background check on file.

  5. Hey Leaders! We have some exciting things coming your way! We’re here to provide support and guidance for every new adventure, discovery, and all the fun your girls will have in Girl Scouts. Keep an eye out in November for a great new resource just for you! Get to know us at  - <3 Your GS-TOP Program Team

Great Deals at the Girl Scout Shop

Juliette Low Birthday Bash
Receive a free Juliette Low Birthday Patch with the completion of the scavenger hunt and a $5.00 purchase. One free patch per customer. October 30 8am-5:30pm and October 31 8am-11:30am
GS-TOP Shop Fun Patch Sale
November 1 – 15 all stock of Snappy Logo and Advantage patches will be only $1.00. Special ordered patches will be $1.25. *In-store at GS-TOP location only, GSUSA patches not applicable.

Upcoming Fun for November (Registration for events closes 1 week prior) New Z.A.P is coming! This year Juniors will get the chance to experience Z.A.P with an overnight and Cadettes, Seniors and Ambassadors will get the chance to try the new Zombie infested night hike! Sign up early to secure your spot, before the zombies invade!  4th -5th | 6th-12th
Here's handy dandy pdf of everything above.
(It's the same information all in one document for printing or uploading to yahoo groups etc!)
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