Welcome to GMaP Region 1 & 2!
For those of you who have been involved with GMaP Region 1&2 in the past, welcome back! For those of you that are new to the program, we are happy to have you with us and look forward to your involvement! The purpose of this initial newsletter for our new year of funding (covering the period 9/1/14 to 8/31/15) is to provide an overview of our goals and objectives, introduce you to GMaP Leadership and Regional Coordinators for the project year, let you know about some upcoming introductory calls and meetings, and provide you with a few updates from some of our regional sites.
GMaP Region 1&2 Goals and Objectives
Disparities in cancer morbidity and mortality exist on the basis of racial/ethnic differences and geography (with rural populations often faring poorly). In addition, underserved populations are often poorly represented in cancer-related research. In order to reduce such disparities, efficient collaboration is needed among researchers and community partners with connections to underserved populations. The goal of GMaP Region 1&2 is to enhance the capacity of regional players to contribute to this effort by disseminating relevant information, fostering collaborative research applications and community outreach efforts related to cancer disparities (including biospecimen donation), and facilitating the career development of minority researchers. Specific aims include:
- Maintain a multi-disciplinary Internal Coordinating Committee (ICC) to provide overall leadership for the region's strategic planning.
- Maintain a Communication and Dissemination Subcommittee (C&D) with a primary goal of promoting relationships and collaborations among regional cancer-disparities researchers, communities and trainees through timely information exchange and resource-sharing among partners within and across regions.
- Maintain a Faculty Recruitment/Job Placement Subcommittee (FR&JP) with the purpose of promoting the scientific and professional development of regional trainees and placing qualified trainees, and new and early-stage investigators into faculty positions and job vacancies within and across GMaP Region 1&2.
- Maintain an Evaluation Subcommittee with a mandate to develop and implement indicators that measure the performance of the ICC, C&D, and FR&JP in meeting their specific aims.
GMaP Region 1&2 also has two active workgroups: A Biospecimen Workgroup , and a GIS/Environmental Factors Workgroup. Please see the links at the bottom of the page if you are interested in joining either of these workgroups. We are actively seeking to develop additional workgroups based on regional investigators' collaborative interests. Please contact us if you would like to connect with other regional investigators on common research topics and we can facilitate development of additional workgroups.
GMaP Region 1&2 Leadership
GMaP Region 1&2 Leadership is shared between investigators at Johns Hopkins University, the University of Kentucky, and the University of South Carolina. Please click on a name below to contact GMaP Region 1&2 Leadership with any questions about the program.
Dr. Mark Dignan, University of Kentucky: ICC; C&D Subcommittee Chair
Dr. Adrian Dobs, Johns Hopkins University: ICC
Dr. Jan Eberth, University of South Carolina: GIS/Environmental Factors Workgroup Chair
Dr. Tisha Fielder, University of South Carolina: ICC; FR&JP Subcommittee Chair
Dr. James Hébert, University of South Carolina: ICC Chair; Evaluation Subcommittee Chair
Dr. Jennifer Wenzel, Johns Hopkins University: ICC; Biospecimen Workgroup Chair
GMaP Region 1&2 Regional Coordinators
Regional Coordinator (RC) duties will be shared between staff based at Johns Hopkins University, the University of Kentucky, and the University of South Carolina. RCs will support investigators and various Committee, Subcommittee, and Workgroup efforts. RCs will also be responsible for coordinating monthly conference calls and schedules, and trainee and investigator newsletters. Please click on a name below to contact Regional Coordinators for more information about the program, or if you are interested in participating in any committees, subcommittees, or workgroups.
Mark Cromo, University of Kentucky: C&D Subcommittee; Additional New Workgroup
Ashleigh DeFries, Johns Hopkins University: ICC; Biospecimen Workgroup
Julia Houston, University of South Carolina: FR&JP Subcommittee;
Evaluation Subcommittee;
GIS/Environmental Factors Workgroup
Upcoming Calls and Meetings
Click Here for standing call schedule for GMaP Region 1&2 Committees, Subcommittees, and Workgroups.
National Cancer Institute Program-wide GMaP Kickoff Teleconference
Wednesday, November 5, 2014
2:00pm - 3:00PM Eastern
Call-in Number: (855) 259-6342
Conference ID: 40127#
Pin: 3791#
The Science of Cancer Health Disparities in Racial/Ethnic Minorities and the Medically Underserved
November 9-12, 2014
Grand Hyatt Hotel
San Antonio, TX
GMaP Networking Opportunity!!!!
What: GMaP Reception and Networking Opportunity
Where: Bonham C Meeting Room
Date: Tuesday, November 11, 2014
Time: 5:45PM - 7:00PM
Please join GMaP investigators, trainees, and staff from around the country at a special GMaP reception at the upcoming Science of Cancer Health Disparities in Racial/Ethnic Minorities and the Medically Underserved Conference in San Antonio! A welcome will be provided by Mary Ann Van Duyn, PHD, MPH, RD, LD, GMaP Program Director from the National Cancer Institute, Center to Reduce Cancer Health Disparities. Light refreshments will be served.
We need to provide a count of who will attend from Region 1&2 - please RSVP HERE
Mentoring Roundtables will also be held at the conference on November 10-11 at 7:00am. No pre-registration is required. See link for more information and discussion topics.