October 23, 2014
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St. Bartholomew's Church

Please note: October 19th Choral Concert Postponed
Greetings friends,

Over the last few weeks, our readings about Moses have caused me to think about the various dimensions and challenges of leadership in any institution. He illustrates, I believe, for example the importance of being connected to God; a willingnes to argue before God and his people; a clarity of mind set. he is able to advocate, but also no leader cannot move the people unless the spirit is also there.

We are reminded that God moves both within and without the institution; that both sinners and the redeemed will experience God. Not only that, even upon getting there people will be hardened of heart.

Jesus encounters a group of people; they test him, trying to expose him as a traitor or a demagogue. He exposes his challenger's hypocrisy by noting that they still use the coins of the realm, showing that one can't have a market without the power of the state. And then he says give to God what is Gods, he opens up multiple interpretations: first, remember that everything is God's in the first place. And second, as we are made in God's image, perhaps we prioritize a human economy. Money cannot replace what is really valuable: other people, and our lives with them. And what we do here at church is try to create an economy where we care for others as effectively as we possibly can.

Many Blessings. Please note the change in our party for Gary; and also note that we are now saying morning and evening prayer once a week each; Tuesday Morning Prayer at 8am and Thursday Evening Prayer at 5:30.

Fr. Gawain

Pumpkin Carving!

Join us on October 25th at 10:30am in Garmey Hall to carve your pumpkins. Just RSVP at to let me know how many pumpkins to purchase and what to get for lunch.

ALSO - if you are interested in collaborating in making costumes, bring tools, cloth, cardboard, or any other things you think might help!
Please note the date change. More information to follow. Please email Margit Burmeister or Fr. Gawain if you would like to help.
Keep in Your Prayers: Ashley Farr and Patrick Regan to be Married on October 25th; William Canning, to be baptized on November 2nd.
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Services at 8:00 and 10:00am on Sundays.
Morning Prayer 8:00am Tuesday.
Evening Prayer 5:30pm Thursday.

This note gives you permission to turn down the offer of a light beer.