Welcome to the latest edition of OSCE Link. Over the past months the OSCE has worked tirelessly to monitor the situation in and around Ukraine. Our new infographic shows at a glance the many aspects of our work. On the ground, our Special Monitoring Mission continue their work, along with the Border Observation Mission. You can hear an account of their work on the checkpoints at Donetsk and Gukovo here as Chief Observer Paul Picard talks about their activities. Meanwhile in Vienna, we welcomed UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon to the Permanent Council; read more about his visit here.
Lamberto Zannier
OSCE Secretary General
Infographic: OSCE responds to crisis in and around Ukraine
High-level diplomacy and multilateral dialogue, addressing concerns over fundamental freedoms and human rights, through to monitoring, fact-finding and military visits are just some of the OSCE responses to the crisis in and around Ukraine. This infographic covers major milestones since November 2013.
See the entire infographic: English | Russian | Ukrainian
Monitors at work: Damage report
VIDEO: See the unarmed civilians of the OSCE Special Monitoring Mission in Ukraine at work in the area around Mariupol, in Donetsk Region. Watch the video
Interview with Paul Picard, Chief Observer
PODCAST: Paul Picard heads up the OSCE's Observer Mission at two Russian checkpoints on the border with Ukraine. In this interview he explains the facts behind the mission, and his view of how the ceasefire has changed things. Listen to the podcast
Protecting human rights in times of crisis
The OSCE Project Co-ordinator in Ukraine organized a series of training courses for Ukrainian legal professionals aimed at broadening their knowledge on international standards of human rights protection in crisis situations. Learn More
So-called 'elections' held on 2 November not in line with Minsk Protocol
So-called 'elections' held on 2 November in certain areas of the Donetsk and Luhansk Regions run counter to the letter and spirit of the Minsk Protocol, says Swiss Foreign Minister and OSCE Chairperson-in-Office, Didier Burkhalter. Read More
Daily updates from the Special Monitoring Mission to Ukraine
To get a better understanding of the situation on the ground in Ukraine, read the daily updates provided for the public and the media by the teams of special monitors. Read More
Reports from the Observer Mission at the Russian Checkpoints Gukovo and Donetsk
Read weekly first-hand information from the team of OSCE observers on the situation at the border checkpoints. Learn More
Background: OSCE engagement with Ukraine
Read key statements and learn more about OSCE initiatives and OSCE responses to the crisis in and around Ukraine.
Learn More
Do the Right Thing: Ethical Issues and the Fight against Human Trafficking
Ethical issues play a key role in the fight against human trafficking. Each person and organization must do their part to prevent human trafficking by doing the right thing, implementing codes of conduct at corporations, enacting government procurement regulations, empowering workers, adopting zero tolerance policies within international organizations, requiring that staff conduct themselves at the highest standard of behaviour at all times and treating one another with dignity.
As human trafficking continues to grow as a threat to security, the OSCE works to promote innovative approaches to combat this threat in the 21st century.
Read More
Alliance against Trafficking in Persons conference: statements and documents
Learn more about the conference, find the agenda and the lists of participants, and access conference documents as they are posted on the conference page.
Chairperson of the OSCE Permanent Council Ambassador Thomas Greminger, UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon, and OSCE Secretary General Lamberto Zannier, Vienna, 4 November 2014.
UN Day – a time to celebrate everyone’s strengths
In her article, the OSCE Spokesperson Cathie Burton reflects on the many things the UN and the OSCE have in common. "For although the two are independent and separate, we spring from the same philosophy and can often be found working daily, at many different levels, to tackle the world’s problems," she says. Read More
OSCE Cafés brings OSCE officials together with people interested in security issues in an informal, social setting. They are a rare chance to sit down and converse face-to-face with the people doing the OSCE’s work. The event series kicked off in Vienna’s traditional Café Korb in July and is held in different cities in the OSCE region.
Coming up:
- 3 December: Basel, Switzerland
- 10 December: Odessa, Ukraine
- 7 January 2015: Vienna, Austria
For more information or to register for an OSCE Café please contact: oscecafe@osce.org.