World Ocean Radio in October
"...Fresh water and the ocean are a single, irreplaceable natural asset that supports the well-being of human endeavor in its every form. It, like the land, is finite. When we destroy it, when we waste it, when we deprive each other of its essential benefits, we are acting so obviously against our true interest and survival that such behavior cannot be condoned or perpetuated. We must hold ourselves accountable."
~ From World Ocean Radio: Global Water Contract, Part II

Chinese Water Management
About this episode: The distribution of fresh water to meet growth and increased demand has historically relied on massive planning structures. The impacts of climate change (drought, fire, extreme weather) are testing these structures, exposing them to be largely inadequate for a 21st century world. In this episode of World Ocean Radio we use China as a example of a rapidly-developing country in need of an industrial water policy that realistically factors the true cost of the supply and demand of water without sacrificing the small-scale historical methods such as conservation, water recycling, and small hydro. And we caution that large scale construction schemes that develop with no concern for environmental and social consequence will incite civic concern and unrest.
War & Water
About this episode: Sectarian conflicts in the Middle East have been ongoing for what seems like forever. Each city that is gained or lost by a rival faction sits on a major river—the Euphrates, the Tigris, or their tributaries. The wars waged are being fought along a watershed. In this episode of World Ocean Radio we suggest that despite air strikes, conflicting systems of law, and pursuits for oil, what really matters most is water. That it, among all other things, is what enables the true security of the region.
Global Water Contract, Part II
About this episode: In Part II of a 2-part series on the Global Water Contract we explain the private commission’s progressive recommendations in response to a growing fresh water crisis that is estimated to affect 3 billion people worldwide.
Global Water Contract, Part I
About this episode: In 1998, a private commission was assembled to create a framework for worldwide understanding of fresh water as an inalienable human right. In this first of a two-part series on the Global Water Contract we begin to outline the basic premises and arguments laid out in the contract, a foundation on which to share the committee’s recommendations, which will appear in next week’s episode.
World Ocean Exhibits
Miles Down! is a World Ocean Observatory exclusive that can be downloaded and installed at your institution. This exhibit will fit in small spaces and is well-suited for schools, libraries, museums, aquariums, and any other educational organizations. For further information, please
contact us.
Miles Down!
The history of oceanography is an international story of invention, individual adventure, and exploration that remains unknown to many.
Miles Down! presents an historical overview, illustrated by individual profiles and expedition accounts from the United States, France, Germany, Japan and the former Soviet Union. The exhibit incorporates text, documents and photographs, and may be supplemented by objects from the presenter's collection when available.